Gail Wine
December 2020
Augusta Health
United States




I was very grateful to have a nurse who stepped up to fill in the vacant feeling that I had from not having my mother there.
Gail Wine was an amazing nurse on the day of our daughter’s birth. She made me feel super comfortable and relaxed throughout the whole birth process. We checked in at the same time she started her shift and she made sure that my husband and I had everything that we needed throughout the day. She answered any questions that we had in a timely manner. She was super polite and sweet. Since the COVID pandemic restrictions only allow one family member to be there, I was very grateful to have a nurse who stepped up to fill in the vacant feeling that I had from not having my mother there to help me out through my labor. I’m super grateful and amazed that she went above and beyond to take care of me. Words don’t really describe how thankful I am for her assistance. As her shift was ending, I was about to deliver my baby. She stayed after her shift to assist and make sure the delivery went well and to meet our baby. As if that wasn’t enough, she knew I was craving french fries all day long and after she left, she returned with some McDonald’s french fries which made me feel super special. Thank you so much, Gail! She is a true DAISY Nurse!