May 2019
Inpatient Pediatric Unit
Lehigh Valley Hospital
United States
Inpatient Pediatric Unit staff led by Heather Cygan, RN; Mahendi Effting, RN; and David Miller, RN




Throughout this time, nurses showed immeasurable care, compassion, and empathy with professionalism.
In the fall, the pediatric palliative care team was asked to meet a 12-year-old boy and his family. The boy had been diagnosed with a brain tumor and had undergone surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Seven months after his diagnosis, he developed a recurrence of the disease. The boy bravely began additional treatments in hopes of slowing the disease's progression. Sadly, this was not to be, and he was admitted to the inpatient pediatric unit for comfort care. Although the unit’s nurses had previously cared for children who passed away, they had not provided hospice care for an extended period. They were, however, committed to providing care and keeping the boy at LVH, where he would be close to home, family, and friends. Throughout this time, nurses showed immeasurable care, compassion, and empathy with professionalism. Whenever someone from hospice came to see the boy, nurses were available to talk about how things were going and to help make care considerations for their beloved patient. They were present for every family meeting, honored every family wish, and made sure every request was granted. When unsure of something, they sought out information to be certain they were providing the best care possible. In the final weeks of the boy’s life, his pain was controlled and his parents were able to bathe him and cuddle with him. He was able to play cards with his grandparents, place his handprint on the platter their family was making, watch football with his cousins, and peacefully spend time with the people he loved. When we asked the pediatric nurses how they were doing after his passing, they universally responded, “It is very hard, but it is a great honor.” They also said they would be honored to do it again if called upon.