Shannon Copley
June 2021
Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center
United States




I don’t know how she did it but Shannon calmed me down, she didn’t leave me until I was in a better place emotionally and all my questions were answered!
I would like to acknowledge Shannon for her outstanding care, compassion, and clinical skills that helped our family during a serious medical situation with my husband. My husband had been at SFMC the week prior where he met Shannon who made quite the impression, laughing at my husband’s silly humor and taking care of his medical situation at the same time. She was memorable for her not only medical knowledge but for her positive, upbeat personality. It wasn’t a long stay but the impression she gave was that she cared enough about my husband to take the time and get to know him as a person, not just a patient! Her personal touch, care, and concern for him were above and beyond what I’ve ever seen in a hospital setting.

It was the following week when my husband was brought in for a life or death situation when we had experienced who the real “Shannon” was and her true skills as a “Super Nurse.” Since Shannon met my husband the prior week, she knew his personality and could tell he was in bad shape from him not being his jovial self. She explained the tests that needed to be done and that he was in good hands. The next morning when I arrived, that’s when chaos ensued. My husband was brought to ICU and my head was spinning, not knowing if my husband was going to make it. He was not in an ICU room yet and since it was an emergency situation, I was left waiting for answers, waiting for someone to fill me in. I wasn’t surprised when the one person who came to see me was Shannon. She explained the entire situation in layman’s terms so I could understand the extent of the problem. Then she proceeded to tell me that he’s in the right place with the best of the best doctors. I don’t know how she did it but she calmed me down, she didn’t leave me until I was in a better place emotionally and all my questions were answered!

As my husband’s procedure was taking place, Shannon checked on me SEVERAL TIMES! She brought me snacks, cupcakes, and water, wanting to make sure I had the energy to deal with the situation. She was giving me cupcakes and helping me through my erratic emotions while I waited. And since visitors were limited during COVID, Shannon became part of my family in a matter of hours. When the procedure was done, there was nothing better than seeing this sweet angel nurse, we had a great reason to celebrate that day!

Everyone at the hospital was amazing but the person that stood out, taking care of my husband and me, helping us understand everything while it was happening, giving us hope and encouragement, dealing with all our emotions during this life crisis, and even having her son draw a picture for my husband to get better, this is a “Super Nurse!” Shannon became part of our family that day as she watched over us and took care of us like an angel. Shannon not only does an exemplary job as a Super Nurse but she’s the best example as a role model that other nurses should follow! She’s amazing, is skilled at her job, compassionate, empathetic, goes over and beyond for families, and she’s a woman of great character! Please know that this is not only about getting a well-deserved award (that we do want her to receive) but it’s more about acknowledging the asset St. Francis Hospital has in Shannon. We’re proud to have met her and grateful that she was the nurse that we were blessed to have had on duty while we had our emergency.