April Rohrer
July 2021
Care Management
Essentia Health Fargo
United States




It was such a blessing for all of us to celebrate Mom's last birthday surrounded by family and this would not have happened had April not worked her magic.
Our mom was admitted to Essentia Hospital in Fargo and had the privilege of having April as her nurse. April had not worked the floor in 5 years, but had picked up a couple of shifts to help out. We believe that was not by chance! We believe she was an angel, sent by God. April's care for our mom was exceptional! Not only did she meet her physical needs, but she cared for mom's emotional needs as well. She was kind and loving, funny and encouraging! Mom told us that April felt like part of the family.

April's care and compassion went far beyond caring for our mom. Mom's 89th birthday was coming up. We thought mom would make it back home to celebrate, but that was not to be. April found out that our mom would still be in the hospital, so she arranged for all of us to celebrate with mom in the 1st floor lobby. Who does that sort of thing? It was SUCH A BLESSING for ALL OF US to celebrate Mom's last birthday surrounded by family and this would not have happened had April not worked her magic.

On the last day of Mom's stay, April was working the floor and our mother was fortunate enough to have April as her nurse that day. April made sure the wheels kept turning to get our mom back to the nursing home where she could live out her life surrounded by her family. Every time April came into the room, she would say something sweet to Mom and treated her with so much respect. Mom's hair had started to fall out from the chemo treatment she had two weeks earlier and her head was very itchy. April gathered everything for us so we could shave Mom's head to make her more comfortable. April, while we were shaving my mom's head, talked to the other nurses and workers that had somehow touched my mom's life. They all donated money so April could provide my mom with a couple of scarves and also socks that said, "No Hair, Don't Care". She even put in some chocolates for our family. When she came in with the gift mom was sleeping but she told us what everyone had done. Of course, hugs were exchanged and we said she had become part of our family. Mom wore one of the scarves for her transport to the nursing home and she looked beautiful in pink.

Again, April went above and beyond to bring joy to our mom. When the transport came to take mom to the nursing home, April was there making sure everything was done correctly. Before Mom was wheeled out of the room, April had a hug for her and I heard her say, "Meet you on the other side!" I have no doubt about that! All of the nurses involved in Mom's care did an excellent job, but April went above and beyond excellent in providing our mom care.

We will close with this: John 13:34, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another." April is a perfect example of Jesus' call to love one another. Her wings and halo have been earned and are well deserved! She touched the lives of our mother as ours as well. Thank you, April, for serving our mom and us. You will never be forgotten.