Rachel Watt
January 2022
Emergency Department
Penn Highlands DuBois
United States




I believe Rachel's care for him and her communication helped to avoid a code grey.
I have worked alongside Rachel many times and I feel she always does a wonderful job. I want to give her a shout-out for a few recent situations. One was with a patient who was brought in for a mental health assessment. This patient was very paranoid and required a lot of redirection. Rachel spent over 2 hours working with this patient and talking to him. She never lost her patience with him. I believe her care for him and her communication helped to avoid a code grey. In another situation, a patient was in the COVID waiting room. He came to my office because he was diabetic and had been here for hours and had nothing to eat or drink. I went to the nurses' station and when I told the charge nurse, Rachel immediately responded “I’m on it” and went to check on the patient with no delay. In another situation, Rachel was with a patient in the hall and the patient was very unhappy. The patient was very rude, name-calling and yelling at Rachel. At no time during this did Rachel respond to the patient inappropriately or with anger. Again, Rachel displayed a caring and very patient attitude with this patient.