Kendra Bendak
December 2021
Vascular Access
Edward Hospital
United States




Kendra sang to him. She truly went the extra mile to make him feel safe.
Kendra is extraordinary. She is one of the reasons why six and a half years ago I decided to pursue nursing. She always goes above and beyond for her patients and her peers. She has an answer for anyone, and if she doesn’t know offhand, she does her research to find the answer. I recently started working on the Vascular Access Team and she has been my preceptor. We have encountered some very challenging situations in my last several months of training.

Yesterday we entered a patient's room who was suffering from a bad infection and was very confused. He needed a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (or PICC line) to receive outpatient antibiotics. PICC line placement typically takes about 45 minutes and requires the patient to lie still as there is a sterile field placed on/around them and movement could jeopardize sterility. With the patient being confused, it was challenging for me as the PICC line inserter. Kendra was at the patient's bedside during the entire process. She held his hand on the other side of the bed. She lightly scratched his arms when she noticed he was fidgeting with his arm bracelet, thinking that his arm might be itchy. She calmed him with her quiet voice and reassured him with her gentle touch throughout the whole process. She sang to him. She truly went the extra mile to make him feel safe. The patient remained calm throughout the entire procedure with Kendra at his side. His wife was very thankful for the individualized care she provided him. Her style is calm, complete, and knowledgeable. She clearly has done her own research and is well informed before teaching any topic.

Kendra is also very approachable and always available to answer questions or help solve problems. She has high standards and is constantly researching ways to improve patient outcomes by reducing DVTs and CLABSIs. Kendra spends a lot of time collecting data, exploring new products, and determining which processes, devices, and measurements can benefit patient care in measurable ways.