Melissa Frang
February 2022
Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit
Ochsner Medical Center- Main Campus New Orleans
New Orleans
United States




Melissa allowed my grandmother to get into the bed with my grandfather giving them the chance to lie together in his last moments.
My grandfather was a patient in the Neuro ICU and his nurse Melissa went above and beyond for my family in every way possible. I am also a nurse so I can appreciate the love and compassion she showed my family. My grandfather's injury and subsequent passing came as a shock to my family especially my grandmother, his wife. Melissa not only took wonderful care of my Poppy but also of the rest of the family. On many occasions, she comforted my grandmother. She called the doctor back promptly when my grandmother had questions and she did her best to answer them herself. She called the chaplain to come to visit with my family. She gave my family time to be with my grandfather but also let us know that she was there for whatever we may have needed. You could tell she meant it when she said it. She moved my grandfather over in his bed to allow my grandmother to lay with him. The most wonderful part of all was when she set up the "red, white & blue" procession for my grandfather who was a veteran. This meant the world to my grandmother and the rest of our family. She made an unbearable situation bearable for my family. We will never forget the most compassionate empathetic nurse, Melissa. We are so grateful that our paths crossed. Thank you, Melissa.


Unfortunately, my family lost the patriarch of our family (our grandfather) last week due to a massive stroke/brain bleeding. His passing was VERY unexpected and left my family confused and grieving. He was sent to the Neuro ICU in the West Tower (9th floor) where Melissa Frang was his nurse. Melissa was the Angel my family (especially my grandma) needed to get through this extremely difficult time. Not only did she make sure my grandpa was always comfortable, but she also helped and consoled my grandma throughout the long two-day period. She would verbally explain (multiple times- even if she had to repeat herself so that we could understand) what she was doing every time she came in the room so that my family had a better understanding of what was occurring. She visited us multiple times just to make sure that we are still hanging in there consistently asked us if we needed absolutely anything and would bring buckets of snacks for my family. She was a breath of fresh air in such a sorrowful time. My grandmother appreciated her presence so much that each night she would ask Melissa if she would be there the next day. My family talked about how amazing Melissa is in front of Melissa and even when she wasn’t in the room. On my grandfather’s last day Melissa allowed and helped my grandma to rest in the bed with him. This comforted my grandma so much as she was able to lay/be with my grandpa one last time. After his passing Melissa gathered all the nurses on the floor to line up and silently support my grandmother. Also, she helped orchestrate a ceremony Ochsner does for veterans (my grandpa was a veteran) and the ceremony was beautiful. My grandpa would have truly loved it. This meant the world to my grandmother and my family. Seeing my grandmother form a smile on the hardest day of her life was such a relieving sight. The world needs more nurses like her!


Melissa was the kindest most caring professional yet personable nurse I have ever known. She was the nurse for my husband who had a brain bleed and sadly passed away. Her care for him, myself, and the family was exceptional. She anticipated our needs and went way beyond. Her nursing care and the comfort she provided us were magnanimous. During the worst time in my life, she made my family and me feel a special agape love. I will stay in touch with Melissa forever. Melissa Frang is the greatest ambassador for Ochsner. I walked away from the hospital the evening my husband passed away with a calmness and complete certitude that he could not have received kinder, gentler, or better quality care than from Ochsner’s 9th floor Nurse Melissa Frang.


Well, where do I begin! This was one of the worst times in our family's lives. In walks one of the most genuine nurses that I have ever met. She was always right there waiting to answer any questions asking us if we needed anything besides of course taking care of my Poppi! Of course, no day goes without drama, and she knew just how to keep things calm and kept reassuring my mom that she was there for her and to let her know if there was any else, she could do for us! I will never forget her and hope to see her again in the future! It was so comforting knowing she was just right outside our door. We noticed she had a Preceptor Badge on, and I just have to say if any nursing student was going to learn from someone that someone should be Melissa Frang! She made an unbearable time be a little bit more bearable! She was always going those extra steps in making sure we were as comfortable as possible. Thank you so much!


My grandfather unexpectedly suffered a brain bleed and passed two days later. The hospital experience was a rollercoaster of emotions; there was pain, shock, reminiscing, confusion, and grief. It was a hard time that I am still having trouble making sense of, but I couldn't have asked for anyone better to guide my family through that experience. Melissa is everything you want a nurse to be. She was kind patient upbeat but in an appropriate manner given the circumstances but most of all she was compassionate, and we really needed that during those days. Melissa allowed my grandmother to get into the bed with my grandfather giving them the chance to lie together in his last moments. She patiently re-explained everything she had already said to those in the hospital room to family members who had to say their goodbyes on FaceTime because they did not have the means to make it to the hospital on such short notice. She organized for all the other nurses on the floor to line up along the hallway to show their support for my grandmother in the minutes after my grandfather passed and she held my grandmother while walking her down the hall to see the support. She exchanged social media handles with my grandmother (my grandmother runs her own New Orleans-themed Instagram account and this account is very important to her, so it was incredibly touching for Melissa to exchange handles with her). She made the worst possible day bearable which I am incredibly thankful for. Melissa's impact has continued for almost a month after his passing. My mother is a psychiatrist for Ochsner and when she was on call at the Main Campus about a few days ago she found Melissa to personally thank her for her service to our family. Melissa expressed to my mom how we truly touched her which was a very sweet thing to hear considering how much she touched us. My mother invited her to the service we have planned to celebrate my grandfather's life and she said she would try her best to make it depending on her work schedule. As a grieving family member, I can't express how much that means to me (I'm getting teary just typing this out). To know Melissa is still caring and holds us in her heart after such an incredibly tough day just goes to show the kind of nurse and person she is. I would never wish upon anyone what my family had to experience but if anyone wound up in a similar situation, I sincerely hope they have a Melissa with them to guide them through the process.