Hali Gamblin
February 2022
Medical Surgical Telemetry Unit
Memorial Hospital Shiloh
United States




Hali went out of her way to get herself assigned to him because she knew he needed consistency and they had developed a routine and a relationship.
My 27 year old son with Autism was admitted for Covid. He lives part-time with us and on weekdays at a group home. Although I wanted to be there with him, I am considered very high risk and was advised not to go. Someone from his group home went with him to the ER. My son, knows how to FaceTime me from his iPad and this became our main way of communicating. From the start, Hali treated him like he was one of her own children. He was scared and having trouble breathing. She talked TO him (not about him like he wasn't there, which can be a problem). I could see him relying on her throughout his stay and trusting her. He is not great on the phone, so she gave him simple choices and she helped him order his meals. She was always upbeat and encouraging him, and he was very compliant when she asked him to do anything. One day during his stay, another nurse was assigned to him. Hali went out of her way to get herself assigned to him because she knew he needed consistency and they had developed a routine and a relationship. This made my heart melt because it truly showed how much she cared. He was comfortable with her, and would ask for her when we FaceTimed. Hali was also incredible with us as parents. She explained everything and answered every question. She would share with us whatever antics he had gotten into that day, and we knew he was feeling better when he was finding his own things to do. (e.g. Knock on his own door. Then stick his head out and say "Where is everybody?" or buzzing the nurse to ask her to watch movies with him, or to tell her he was tired and he needed to go to sleep). Hali made it possible for us to get through this hospital stay with minimal worry. I love her disposition and caring nature. She really went the extra mile.