Cassie Wilbanks
March 2022
University of Missouri Health Care
United States




Cassie consistently shows compassion and advocacy for her patients.
Cassie works days and I work nights. We had a patient who was 87 with a very large family, who was diagnosed with cancer and had an adverse reaction to her first chemotherapy. The patient expressed anxiety and had family members pressuring her to continue chemotherapy, but the patient felt very afraid that the next chemo could cause another event and diminish her independence. Cassie spoke at great length and with great compassion to this woman and her granddaughter (who supported her Grandmother's wishes to just live her best life until cancer took her). Cassie made certain the doctors and our leaders were aware of this woman's concerns and made sure this patient knew that the choice was hers and hers alone to make, and she had the right to refuse any treatment that she felt diminished her quality of life. This is only one instance. Cassie consistently shows compassion and advocacy for her patients and I am proud to work with her and call her a friend. She is an exemplary nurse every day even in the face of less than ideal staffing and supplies since this pandemic started.