Angie Bixler
May 2021
Emergency Department
IU Health White Memorial Hospital
United States




Angie worked with their church and came up with money from the church for this patient to stay at a local hotel where he would be safe.
I would like to share a good story about a patient in the ED and Angie Bixler ED Nurse that happened on a Saturday night in early am. I was not working when this occurred, however, this was shared with me last night during rounding. There was an assault victim who was not from this country. He was in California going to school and could not go back to El Salvador due to COVID 19. His flight was scheduled to return home in eight days to return to his country. He has no family in the US except for an Uncle who lives here whom he had never met. He went to stay with this Uncle. Saturday night he was invited to drink with his Uncle and his Uncle's friends. His Uncle's friends and his Uncle assaulted him and threatened to kill him.

A  County Sherriff Police Officer was not very helpful in wanting to make a report as well as trying to find a place for him to go that was safe. This patient did not have a place to go and had no money. He cried while he was in the ER as he did not know what he was going to do and he was afraid for his life. Angie Bixler called home and woke her husband up at 0300 on Sunday to see if he would come to pick him up and take him back to their house. Her husband picked him up, took him home and let him shower, and provided a meal.

During the day Sunday, he and Angie worked with their church and came up with money from the church for this patient to stay at a local hotel where he would be safe. They were also able to help him move his flight. Angie worked to provide transportation through the church to get him from the hotel to Indianapolis so he could make his flight. I was so amazed when I heard this, and I am so proud to work with such a compassionate team member.