Katherine Demeter
February 2022
Adult Nursing
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
United Kingdom




Sister Kathy is a shining example of the Trust's values
I can say that my time here has been exceptional. Sister Kathy is a shining star. As a sister, she is so kind and generous. To new members of staff, she immediately puts you to ease with her welcoming personality and warm smile. She is always willing to teach. It doesn’t matter what question she is asked she would teach you and support you, no matter how big or small.

She keeps her high standards. I admire her radiant attitude that all her patients, I’m sure, feel too as I have witnessed. She approaches patients who are distressed with a calm approach to ease their minds. Her standards and approach are infectious and I believe all the staff see and take that attitude with them.

It was sad when Sister Kathy had to battle with COVID herself and was admitted to the hospital. Despite this battling and surviving COVID, she returned to the ward to continue her tremendous care and that didn’t change her attitude and dedication.

She is a shining example of the Trust's values and encompasses everything good about our amazing NHS. She is a fantastic nurse, and a kind and generous sister. Thank you, Sister Kathy