Barbara Burgner, RN, IBCLC
May 2019
Women's and Infants' Services
Conway Regional Health System
United States




Kudos to Barbara for always remaining strong enough to "do the right thing" even when it seems like everyone is working against her. Barbara personifies the very heart of nursing.
Barbara frequently provides lactation support to WIC participants from [a nearby] County. She provides compassionate, consistent care and is truly a patient advocate always working for the benefit of the patient, often against popular opinions. Barbara regularly refers WIC mothers needing lactation support to the breastfeeding staff at this County Health Unit. Recently, she referred a young mother that was already being followed by the County Breastfeeding Peer Counselor. This young mother expressed that she really wanted to breastfeed, and breastfeeding certainly would be beneficial to the future relationship between this mother and her child.

Barbara understands that breastfeeding is more than just a method to provide a baby with nutrition. The relationship between a nursing mother and infant has the potential to impact their entire lives. Experiencing success with breastfeeding can impact the mother's self-esteem and enable her to do things she hasn't been able to do in her past. Get off drugs, seek higher education to improve job opportunities, increase her confidence in mothering skills, and rise above any whispers of rumors of her past. At the very least, the relationship between a breastfeeding mother and child decreases the risk of child abuse and breastmilk provides the baby with the perfect nutrition for optimal growth and development. Kudos to Barbara for always remaining strong enough to "do the right thing" even when it seems like everyone is working against her. Barbara personifies the very heart of nursing.


I feel that Barbara is worthy of such an award as the DAISY award due to her dedication to helping breastfeeding mothers. She frequently refers breastfeeding mothers to me for further support/education. (I am the Breastfeeding Peer Counselor for the WIC program at the County Health Department and I follow pregnant and breastfeeding women in need of support/education.) Recently Barbara referred a young mother to me that was in need of such support. She had a lack of friend/family support, was experiencing financial hardships, and was being faced with obstacles beyond her control. Breastfeeding this newborn was her top priority and now she was facing feelings of failure in this area as well. I had followed this mother throughout her pregnancy and knew how important breastfeeding was to her. Barbara's compassion toward this young mother was evident in her efforts to reach out to me, asking that I counsel her and assist with her breastfeeding concerns. Barbara frequently exemplifies this same compassionate care that goes beyond a mother's hospital stay and beyond simply providing information to mothers. She is very deserving of such an award as the DAISY Award.