Madelaine Wilson
April 2021
NEA Baptist Memorial Hospital
United States




Maddie was hot, sweating, and out of breath from helping the patient so much. It was the most traumatic delivery I have ever been in and Maddie never lost focus of her patient and the family.
She helped me so much with having my baby I did not know you could move like that in labor! She is good as gold and I loved having her. She went above and beyond. Please let her know she is very special. She is one of the best nurses I’ve ever had. Thanks so very much!


I would first like to start by saying you have a group of people in this department who are absolutely amazing!!! They all were spot on for caring for my daughter, we had Maddie who shined like a diamond in our family, you don’t get many young ladies who take as much pride in their job as she does, she made sure our daughter’s first night here bearable. My daughter was miscarrying and this young lady made sure she was a person for our daughter to lean on. We are so thankful for that. Maddie bathed her, washed her hair, and combed through all the tangles which was tough since she was there for her delivery which took a few days. Maddie was right by her side, telling her how wonderful she was doing and how amazing she was. Our daughter needed that and that bond she made with Maddie helped on so many different levels, she also attended services along with the pastor. I myself am a pastor so this meant more than words could say, so with that being said, I want to recognize Maddie as a DAISY Nurse. 


My daughter went to the hospital to find out that she was having a miscarriage, we were sent to labor and delivery that afternoon and there we met Maddie, she treated my daughter like a queen. She let her know that she was there for her to talk to, to heal, to scream, to cry and whatever she needed from her she was there. Maddie told her she would be right back with hot towels and washcloths, shampoo and conditioner, and clean bed linens. She did just that, she fixed her up too and it made her feel so good. Maddie washed and brushed my daughter’s hair, bathed her and she put clean sheets on her bed. Maddie also had the radio on so they were singing and having a good time, which allowed my daughter to not think about what was coming in her future. My daughter had all the hope in the world that her baby would live, and Maddie never said one discouraging word to my daughter, even though we all knew what the bitter truth may be, we also trusted in God. Maddie wasn't there on the day when my daughter started going into labor. She said she wished that Maddie could be here with her, and it was about 20 minutes Maddie showed up, she took over the role of comforting my daughter, which is just what she needed at that time. Maddie got behind her and helped her push. She literally got behind her on the bed and was helping her push, who does that? Maddie does, because she loves her job and she's good at it. My granddaughter’s funeral was Friday, and Maddie showed up with little to no sleep and had to go to work later that afternoon. She let us know that she wouldn't miss it for the world, and nobody knows how much that meant to us, please do know that you have a fabulous labor and delivery staff. Many staff members were there for my daughter and for the entire family in our time of need. Oh, and if you want to know why we call her Callie sometimes, we were sitting there one day, and Maddie came in, she reminded us of Callie on Grey's Anatomy, so she is not only Maddie to us but she is our (Callie girl)!


I was the charge nurse the night Maddie cared for a 17-week demise. I witnessed the best patient care and most compassion from Maddie. Maddie bathed this young girl, sang to her, prayed with her, washed her hair, and held her while she cried. During labor, Maddie rushed in to be next to this patient during delivery. She sat at the bedside with cool wet cloths and washed her face and spoke the most comforting words. While a difficult pushing process was being experienced, Maddie got in the bed with the patient, sat behind her, and helped hold her while she pushed. Maddie was hot, sweating, and out of breath from helping the patient so much. It was the most traumatic delivery I have ever been in and Maddie never lost focus of her patient and the family. I stood by Maddie’s side at the funeral and her family spoke very highly of Maddie and the care she provided. The next night a postpartum mom was up here alone. Her baby was in the nursery and Maddie was her nurse. The patient mentioned wishing she had a certain kind of drink. Maddie ran to the cafeteria 10 minutes before they closed and used her own money to bring the patient the drink she wanted in 5 flavor choices.