Nichole Chen-Donegal
April 2022
Scottish Rite NICU
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite
United States




Every morning I was fortunate enough to call and hear this nurse’s voice, I felt all the tension leave my shoulders, replaced with peace and relief. Nichole knew my baby.
There was very little that put my mind at ease those four months my daughter fought for her life in the NICU. I still remember walking into the NICU the first day this nurse was taking care of my daughter. I remember her warm, comforting smile when she saw me and how she gave me a full detailed report of how my daughter had been doing that day. I remember she purposely made her swaddle blanket and bed sheet match and put a little bow on her. And while these may all seem like insignificant things, to a mom who’s forced to leave her newborn baby in the care of others, these small touches of love meant the world and more to me. That day, I asked this nurse to be my daughter’s primary nurse, and she accepted without hesitation.

For the months following that my daughter stayed in the hospital, I was known to call every morning after shift change to check on her. Every morning I was fortunate enough to call and hear this nurse’s voice, I felt all the tension leave my shoulders, replaced with peace and relief. This nurse knew my baby. Taking care of babies is so hard because they can’t tell you what is wrong. And for three out of the four months that my daughter was in the NICU, she was intubated, so she couldn’t even cry to tell anyone she was upset. This nurse spoke her silent language and she was quite fluent in it! She knew when my daughter needed repositioning, suctioning, when she was bored, and when she needed a change of scenery. This was the first nurse to bring developmental toys over to my daughter’s bed. She did not stop at the baseline medical care; she cared about K as a whole person – a whole baby whose mind needed to be stimulated by her environment. This nurse read to my daughter quite often as well and introduced us to one of my daughter’s favorite books. It is such a special book and so perfect for my little one. This nurse also dedicated time and effort to building a bond with me. She asked me what my preferences were – the things I liked to do for my daughter when I was at the hospital. She asked about my life, my job, and my family. We shared stories about our silly dogs, and I shared my plans for all of the adventures I had planned for my daughter when we finally broke out of the NICU.

This nurse’s job was to keep my baby healthy and alive, but she did so much more than that. She nourished her mind, brought her comfort in difficult times, and she brought joy and peace to my soul. This nurse was a ray of sunshine and a life source during those dark months. She made our NICU stay brighter and easier to bear by just being herself. To this day, I continue to share pictures and videos of my daughter’s growth and progress with this nurse. She will forever be a foundational piece of my daughter’s story, and I am so blessed and grateful our paths crossed. She is the standard every nurse should strive for. Nichole is a true DAISY Nurse.