Erin Smith
May 2022
Erin M
DeTar Healthcare System
United States




Erin's actions on the last day of her life epitomized the excellence and caring of a genuine and professional nurse.
A beloved member of our family was admitted to your ICU with COVID19. As a non-vaccinated person and older adult, we worried about her and her partner and cautioned them to be careful and vigilant when they were out. However, she became ill and after waiting a week at home, not wanting to see her doctor, she went in and was immediately transferred to your hospital. As a nurse, and a nurse educator, I continue to be proud of, and enamored with, my profession and enjoy “passing forward” those attributes and characteristics of a nurse to my students every day.

I was confident and knew what to expect, that excellence and commitment would shine through any nurse caring for her. At the time, no family was able to be with her, and yet I knew she was cared for with compassion. Erin's actions on the last day of her life epitomized the excellence and caring of a genuine and professional nurse. In the morning, we learned she sensed the end was near and Erin bathed her gently and when her passing was imminent, she played Christian music and held her hand.

Thank you, Erin. You cannot know how much that dedication meant to my family, and I know it comforted her immeasurably. We will always keep you in our hearts and certainly consider you a messenger from God, sent to care for our loved one as she journeyed into a better life. Thank you does not seem to be adequate, please know how much we appreciate you. We send our hugs and prayers to you as you continue to weather this “storm of illness.” Please be sure to take care of yourself and your loved ones as you did ours. As a nurse, I know we don’t always do such a good job of taking care of ourselves as we do others. Blessings and Godspeed to you.