Lucinda Trussell
January 2022
Labour Suite - City Hospital
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
United Kingdom




Her no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point, and very informative attitude, whilst always remaining fair and kind was something we knew came naturally.
We arrived at Nottingham City Hospital and after being admitted to ABC with bleeding, I was bought down to Labour Suite with my nightmare 27-week twins, who never seem to behave with what the consultants thought may be early labor! After a long day on ABC, being prodded and poked by numerous doctors, midwives and consultants, Lucy walked through my room with her bubbly personality that my wife and I both took a shine to. Her no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point, and very informative attitude, whilst always remaining fair and kind was something we knew came naturally. This instantly put us at ease. She didn’t have it easy with our twins, the bleeding continued, and we had no explanation, meaning that the twins needed to be monitored – well, they didn’t want to be! We had to have 2 consultants come to our room, as they were worried about early labor, as well as a Junior Doctor and Lucy herself. There was a lot of Dr lingo going on so T & I had no idea what was happening. But once again, Lucy broke down all of the information and gave it to us in simple forms so we knew what was going on! Lucy’s continued patience meant that after many hours of different people trying, she finally began to have a breakthrough with the twins and manage some monitoring. It had been around 8 hours of on and off monitoring for me, and I was beginning to become tired and in a lot of pain. I was constantly moving but Lucy never once showed any sign of becoming irritated. She really did have me at the forefront of her mind and tried to ensure that anything she did, I was 100% comfortable with. Not only did she also ensure I was okay, but she always made sure T was okay, as she knew for the partner of Mum, it would also be just as difficult of an experience. We were both in limbo! Throughout that night, the monitoring was a pain, to say the least, the twins kept wriggling, they moved 180 degrees, they went back 180 degrees and poor Lucy really had her hands full! T & I had so many questions racing through our minds with the possibility that our boys might come early. No matter what we threw her way, she was always upfront and honest with the answer. Lucy’s knowledge and experience really did come through in our middle-of-the-night conversations. We learned more from Lucy in those 12 hours than we did from our first consultant appointment the week prior. At the end of Lucy’s night shift, she introduced us to the Midwife who would be looking after us. Throughout the day, many things we asked for were not done and we really did miss Lucy’s attentiveness and intervention. We asked the Midwife on days if Lucy could be the Midwife to look after us at night, but she didn’t know either way until Lucy came on shift. 7.30 pm came and we saw a familiar face walk through our door and instantly felt relaxed. Once again, all day the midwife/consultants/doctors had been trying to monitor the twins as I had experienced another bleed, J was trying for around 5 hours on the monitor with no luck, and the twins just were not playing ball! When Lucy walked through the door, the relief T and I felt was audible and we knew we were going to get some sleep that night. Instantly, Lucy took J off the monitor, so that J could go home after her day shift, and within 10-15 minutes, Lucy’s patience and calm nature meant the boys listened and we managed to get the green light on the monitor!! I am not saying it wasn’t a little bit of good luck on Lucy’s behalf, but what I can say is that in the time she has spent with us throughout being here, she has tried to track the twins, understand their patterns, learn where they are comfortable and not comfortable and this really did pay off when 5 members of staff on days couldn’t get them to match up! Lucy also tried to give T & me some knowledge of their whereabouts and would get T involved in trying to keep the monitors in place – this also gave us an insight into our boys and what they were doing. We constantly felt engaged with the situation, and never once felt like we didn’t know what was going on! Unfortunately, I contracted COVID whilst in hospital meaning that T was in lockdown with me. Within the first 2 hours of Lucy’s shift, she had arranged for another bed to be brought to our room, as she knew T wasn’t comfortable on the chair (having spent the previous night there). This was just one of the many small changes she made that made a huge impact on our stay here at the hospital. Lucy’s attitude to the job was outstanding; she is a hard worker, always willing to be there with an open ear, look after me, and look after T. She was always ensuring both of us were comfortable, always making sure the twins were behaving, her sense of humor was also much appreciated by us both, and the laughs got us through the long nights. We both know that both nights Lucy was on, the ward was full and she was extremely busy, but not once did we ever feel a hindrance, or feel as though she was being rushed. Everything we asked for was done without hesitation, there was always tea and toast being offered, always making sure fresh water was available and that we were comfortable. We have been to the hospital on many occasions through my pregnancy, and whilst most of the midwives and staff have been lovely, Lucy just always went that one step further, she was a gem in a distressing circumstance and we really needed that. In our job (Funeral Directors), we know that people are quick to complain and slow to praise, and sometimes you don’t have to do something extraordinary to be praised in our eyes. Lucy, however, was extraordinary and we feel very lucky to have been looked after by her for 2 nights. We also feel honored that she came back the second night to look after us too. We honestly couldn’t have wished for somebody better to look after us for the 2 out of 3 nights we were in hospital and we were a little sad she couldn’t have been on shift another night. The NHS really does have a silent hero in Lucy, and I hope this feedback gives you a small insight into that. We hope that when our boys decide to make their arrival Lucy can be the one to look after us. Even if she isn’t, we will always be her biggest cheerleaders!