Leslie Hardin
February 2022
Emergency Department
FHN Memorial Hospital
United States




Leslie, you looked me in the eyes and showed empathy in the situation.
I was in the ER a few weeks ago. I had a pulse ox of 84 with COVID pneumonia and needed oxygen. Leslie, you helped me before handing off at shift end. You were the standout caregiver of my 5 hours in the ER that night. I was miserable, scared, and alone once my son had to leave me in the ER to pick up my husband who was being released from the Cardiac floor. Yes, both parents in the hospital, and another -old son is at home alone. My husband’s issue was not COVID-related, it was BP. The reason I am writing today is because Leslie, you impressed me as a woman of a solid character and I want to say thank you. Boy, are you in the right field! You clearly have a love for your patients and nursing. The compassion you showed felt amazing when you were in the room with me, I felt like it was going to be okay. Leslie, you looked me in the eyes and showed empathy in the situation. The trust and teamwork you exhibited were beautiful to experience. Leslie, you gave me hope. What an admirable attribute, to be able to give a sick and scared patient hope! I want you to know how amazing that effect was and how transformative it was to my improvement. As I sit here today, with tears in my eyes, springing from a well of gratitude for your incredible care, I want you to know how much you did for me. I know you are in a stressful, thankless job in an incredibly taxing time and I hope my words are a tiny little happy nugget. I still to this day thank GOD for Leslie. You began an amazing culture of care that continued with the amazing nurses on the Cardiac fourth floor. Leslie, I’ll always remember your strength, kindness, and stellar nursing care. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. I may never see you again but you are a friend in my heart for life!