Shannon Seitz
May 2022
5 North
UPMC Passavant Hospital
United States




As the unit transitioned back to normal workflow, Shannon worked to make sure their high standards of care didn’t falter. She worked to get the unit reorganized and refocused on their outstanding patient care and patient experience.
Shannon consistently exemplifies the qualities which make her a true DAISY Nurse Leader. Shannon has been the Unit Director on 5 PAV going on 4 years. Shannon has been a strong leader through a challenging time. She led her team through the transition of 5 PAV to a full Covid unit and then back to normal state. She had to create and develop scheduling and processes for the unit throughout the transition. She was visible and supportive of her staff throughout this difficult time. She never hesitated to lead by example and worked with the staff in the Covid area. Shannon also supported her team as they were re-assigned to another area. She worked closely with the other UD and still made sure she was present for her team on the other unit. As the unit transitioned back to normal workflow, Shannon worked to make sure their high standards of care didn’t falter. She worked to get the unit reorganized and refocused on their outstanding patient care and patient experience. Throughout the challenges of the pandemic, Shannon and her team have been able to maintain a high quality of care and experience. 5 PAV remains a center of excellence for orthopedics. They also finished 2021 in the 92nd percentile for HCAHPS rate the hospital 9 or 10. They are also consistently near or at the top of the nurse bundle scores. Shannon is very transparent with staff regarding how the unit is performing with their quality of care. She is consistent with her staff meetings and how she shares data. She leads the key behaviors by example. She holds her team accountable to the nurse bundle by completing validations and providing meaningful feedback. Shannon has also managed her team through challenges with staffing. She is very engaged with recruitment for her unit. She meets with students, ensures GNRP nurses are having a good experience, and hires PCTs with the intention to transition to nurses. She works to advocate for her team to help support their staffing needs. She has made sure that she and her Clinicians have been flexible with their schedules to help support their team. She also focuses on retention by consistently conducting her employee rounds and actively working on items for improvement brought forward by the staff. Shannon also looks for innovative ways to support the workflows of the department and her staff. She has successfully worked with the health plan to implement a virtual discharge program which has been hugely beneficial to the 5 PAV patients as well as the nursing staff. In addition to everything she has done for her unit, patients, and staff, she is also recognized as a strong leader at the system level. This year she was named Co-Chair of the system’s Nursing Leadership Council. This is a great opportunity for her to continue her own growth and development and I’m sure she will have a positive impact on this council. Overall, Shannon is an excellent leader that leads her team by example. She is an enthusiastic leader who cares so much about the patients and her staff. She is a dedicated leader who really strives to make the best work environment for her team. 

Note: This is Shannon's 2nd DAISY Award!