Suzanne Fay
May 2022
Emergency Department
The Bellevue Hospital
United States




All in all, Suzie was the best possible nurse to care for my son during the scariest time he has yet experienced.
After my 14-year-old son had complained of bad stomach pain, we ended up at The Bellevue Hospital to be checked out by the ER. We had only a short wait before being greeted by Suzie Fay to come back to be seen. She quickly had a good rapport with him engaging in conversation about why we were there and checking his vitals, but also making small talk about his love for wrestling. We were both very comfortable knowing that we were in her care.

After hearing about his symptoms and knowing he was planning on wrestling the next day, she asked him to stand up and jump up. He did. She again asked him to jump up. Again, he did. She told him that he passed the "jump test" and typically that means that it was not his appendix causing the pain, which is what we feared. Throughout the course of the next 5 hours, my son had an ultrasound, EKG, bloodwork, and CT scan. During that time, Suzie was very friendly, making small talk and joking around with him to keep his mood light. She constantly checked on his pain level and tried to accommodate him (as well as myself) in any way that could keep him comfortable.

After a short visit from our ER doctor, we found out that he needed to have surgery to remove his appendix within the next hour. Suzie showed up to do some prep and had a conversation with him as to what exactly would be happening. His tears (and mine) were again comforted with her words and she again lightened the mood by telling him that he broke the "jump test" rules. We did have a laugh at that moment which we still do mention now a few weeks later. All in all, Suzie was the best possible nurse to care for my son during the scariest time he has yet experienced. This is a kid with zero medical histories. On the eve of what was supposed to be his biggest wrestling tournament to date, this is the last thing that he planned on happening. She made him smile, laugh, and stay comfortable and informed, and as a parent that is more than I can ask for.