Kenneth Williams
February 2021
Ascension Saint Alexius in Hoffman Estates
Hoffman Estates
United States




I felt all was well and my fear/anxiety seemed to subside because I knew I was in good hands and knew Kenny was in my corner.
I was extremely nervous while getting prepped for my procedure. Kenny has a sense about him that put a "blanket of comfort" around me. He put me at ease by carrying on a conversation maybe to distract me or simply acquire information but he kept me talking. He also took a minute to tell me a little bit about himself which is rare but from that moment on I felt calm and bonded with Kenny. I felt I could trust this person.

Once wheeled into the procedure room for the stent implant Kenny was by my side whispering cheers to me saying "You got this", "Keep positive thoughts", "I'm here if you need anything I'm right here". He would whisper his positives over and over. Whenever he saw I was about to lose it he would be there saying "You got this" or "You're doing great". I feel I would not have gone through the procedures as well as I did if not for Kenny whispering positive cheers. He is one of a kind. When I found out that I had to go through the procedure again two days later I was extremely nervous but once I found out Kenny was going to be by my side I felt all was well and my fear/anxiety seemed to subside because I knew I was in good hands and knew Kenny was in my corner. He is a very special Nurse.