Elvira Gómez Fierro
May 2022
Gómez Fierro
TecSalud, San Jose and Zambrano Hellion Hospitals
Nuevo Leon




Elvis gained her trust, and thanks to that, we were able to help her more.
I consider that the nursing profession is already difficult in itself, having to face all the challenges that are presented every day, but even facing that, Elvis (as I affectionately call her) gives all her compassion and empathy to each and every one of her patients. It is very admirable to see her love towards her profession; not only do I say this, but part of the team that works with her on a daily basis. There are two stories that moved me a lot, and I would like to share them with everyone. The first: A lady who, since day one, taught us the value of living our days to the fullest, an example of courage and strength with which she faced her illness day by day. During the eleventh month of treatment with us, we received the bad news that there had been a progression of her cancer, and well, we all broke down; we knew where this was going. We no longer had any treatment to offer, and we could only wait for the worst. After all this, Elvis tells me one day: "hey, I think it would be a wonderful idea if we organize a farewell party for her since we won't see her anymore." We agreed, obviously, with the necessary permission from both the hospital and her family, and we organized a great party; it was something very special. The patient knew that it was her last time in the hospital, and her uncertain face was full of love and happiness for everyone. She was surprised and excited because it was a surprise party since she told Elvis that she had never had a party like this before, and well, that was something beautiful; that detail that Elvis had when she remembered what the patient once told her and was able to make it come true is priceless. The second story is about a low-income patient who had a difficult life and was also diagnosed with cancer. In the beginning, the patient had a lot of uncertainty and a little mistrust. Elvis gained her trust, and thanks to that, we were able to help her more. As winter approached, Elvis realized that the patient's daughter did not have clothes to face the cold weather. On one occasion, the girl came to accompany her mother to her treatment, and the patient didn't have any proper clothing since she preferred her daughter to wear it. Elvis, realizing all the problems that the patient was experiencing, told the entire team about the situation. We all spoke to our boss so that at least she could get a free meal before receiving her treatment, as well as if we made a collection to donate more food. Elvis was not satisfied with doing only this. When she realized that the girl was shivering with cold, she told me, "Hey, do you think the patient would mind if I bring her some winter clothes?" I told her I thought it was a great idea, and she did it; the patient was so grateful. The patient was only looking for some peace, and Elvis helped her find it. This is just a little of what Elvis lives day by day with our patients, and with all my heart, I say: Elvis is an angel full of love and service for her patients. Therefore, I write this story about the best nurse I know and love. She always has a smile and words of encouragement for her patients. God bless you always. Thank you so much, Elvis, for always taking care of your patients and giving a super extra of yourself, and making a difference; we all love you so much!