Alvaro Guadalupe Castro Mata
May 2022
Alvaro Guadalupe
Castro Mata
Adult Intensive Care Unit
TecSalud, San Jose and Zambrano Hellion Hospitals
Nuevo León




We always waited for Alvaro's little messages or calls because we knew that with a big smile, he would share with us the progress my father had made.
My dad was admitted to the San José hospital for a positive case of COVID-19, unfortunately, the disease progressed rapidly and in just a couple of days, he was transferred to the ICU to perform emergency intubation. Due to the situation in which my dad was and considering that everything happened during the Christmas season, it was a very difficult process for us as a family, however, I want to recognize the great work that Alvaro, my dad's nurse did during those days.

On the occasions when we were able to visit my dad, Alvaro gave us words of encouragement telling us that my dad was doing better, that we should not worry since he was looking out for dad and that everything would be fine, among other nice words. He told us in detail everything that my dad experienced during the days. He also helped us understand a little better the process that all COVID-19 patients go through and gave us the assurance that he was in the best hands. After two weeks dad improved favorably, they were able to remove the mechanical ventilator and wake him up and thanks to Alvaro we had peace of mind and the certainty that, even if we couldn't see him so often, my dad would be safe in his hands.

Alvaro was always very attentive to my dad, he talked to him and encouraged him not to let himself down to get better faster; besides that Alvaro supported us to see him through video calls. We always waited for Alvaro's little messages or calls because we knew that with a big smile, he would share with us the progress my father had made. It filled us with great enthusiasm and tenderness to see Alvaro's emotion as if my father was part of his family. It was a great relief for me to know that my dad had someone who was so attentive to him and us, making this difficult experience somewhat easier to handle. Thank God my dad continued to improve and a few days later he was moved to the hospitalization service.

I want to thank him for all his great work and recognize the great person he is, and after hearing my dad say "Oh I'm just about to leave the hospital, but my friend Alvaro is still on vacation, I hope we catch up with him to say goodbye and if continues on vacation, he told me he was going to send us a little message to ask about how I’m doing,” and indeed when Álvaro came back from vacation he went to visit my dad to see how he was doing and even took the time to say goodbye when he was discharged. That is why I am grateful that my dad not only received the best care from all the hospital staff during his 2 months of hospitalization but also that throughout this process he had a friend by his side whom I also call "his Christmas miracle".