Michele J Fiegl
April 2022
Michele J
UPMC West Shore
United States




I am currently a Nursing Student, and Michelle is the type of nurse I want to be like.
My Dad recently passed of COVID in the ICU. Michelle was his nurse when he got put on the ventilator. She held his hand since we (family) couldn't be in the room with him so he wouldn't be scared. She went up after her shift to talk to my Mom, who was also hospitalized. She sat with my Mom for half an hour after her 12 hour shift. She hugged my Mom and talked about everything with her. She coordinated with my Mom's nurse so she could come down to visit my Dad. My Mom always had so many questions, and Michelle always took the time to fully explain everything, even when she was busy. I am currently a Nursing Student, and Michelle is the type of nurse I want to be like. She is so compassionate, and it was clear she really cares about her patients and their families. I am so grateful for her honesty with the expected prognosis of my Dad; because of her, we were all able to say our goodbyes before he was placed on the ventilator. We got to really cherish our last moments as a family together.