Katie Hall
June 2022
Medical ICU
Augusta University Medical Center
United States




She gave him the best possible care and treated him with decency regardless of what may have led him to this point.
When I was assigned to practicum, my preceptor assigned was Katie Hall. During my first two days, I was more impressed with Katie and the care she takes with her patients than any nurse I have ever seen. During our weekend shift on the unit, Katie and I were assigned to take care of a patient that was coming towards the end of life. The patient had a poor prognosis and continued to decline, despite the hospital's best efforts. The patient was a prisoner. Each time Katie rounded on the patient, she had a conversation with him, even though he could not answer. She still acknowledged him. She played football and discovery channel on the television so that he could hear his surroundings. She was sure to turn down the lights in the evenings to avoid interfering with his circadian rhythms. She told him everything she was doing and explained things, knowing there would likely be no response. She gave him the best possible care and treated him with decency regardless of what may have led him to this point, as good nurses should. When care was withdrawn, we held his hand as he passed on and until he was pronounced by the doctors and assured that he did not pass on in shackles and that they were removed. She allowed him to leave the world with dignity and assured him that he was not alone, and told him that his family was coming to see him to give him comfort as he transitioned. Being treated with dignity is not a thing that people think of often until it is stripped away. Katie embodied the nurse that saw no color, creed, religion, age, or circumstance of her patient and treated everyone the same as they deserved. She has made a huge impact on who I want to grow into as a nurse, and I will carry this experience with me always.