Kelsey Hayes
November 2020
Post Surgical Unit
Baylor Scott & White Surgical Hospital Fort Worth
Fort Worth
United States




Kelsey put me right at ease and told me she would take good care of me.
I had surgery for a posterior cervical decom/fusion. There were some complications in recovery I could not move my arms or legs. I was rushed to do an MRI and found everything was normal so they put me in ICU and on a massive dose of steroids to see if it was just inflammation. I got in the room just at shift change so my nurse introduced me to Kelsey Hayes and said she would take care of me. Needless to say, I was very nervous and upset because I could not move my arms or legs. Kelsey put me right at ease and told me she would take good care of me. She asked me if I could squeeze her fingers. I couldn't. Then she asked me to move my toes. I couldn't but she asked me if I could feel her touching me, I said yes I could feel that. She told me you are not paralyzed because you can feel me touching you. Well, that helped me tremendously because that was what I was thinking and worried about. She put me right at ease.

She asked my husband if he wanted to stay with me. He said he had to go home to take care of our bulldog. She told him not to worry she was going to take great care of me. She did just that. She checked on me about every hour. I was in severe pain and she would ask me how high was my pain and I would tell her and she would bring me medication to help. She said she was there to make me comfortable. I had thrown up all over myself earlier and she got some help to change me and my sheets. When they turned me to my side I screamed from the pain. She told everyone to stop and asked if I could continue. I told her to go ahead and they changed everything so I could sleep better. It was past dinner and she asked if I wanted food and she would find some for me. I told her I was afraid I would throw up again. She said she could give me meds so I would not feel nauseated. I told her I was fine and that I didn't feel like eating. She continued to check on me all night to see if I was in pain and doing all right. She said she was praying for me. I told her that was two of us and I was very touched and comforted. Most people won't talk about prayer or God, so I knew I was in good hands.

She came in to check on me in the early morning and I told her I was hot so she changed the temp in the room and asked if she could see my incision that she needed to check it and my drain. I said go for it because I already hurt. We laughed and she said she'd see what she could do about that. She told me she could give me some morphine and I said sure, why not? So I was able to finally get some rest. She kept checking my legs to see if I could squeeze her fingers and asked could I still feel her touching me. I still could not move my extremities but could feel her touch. She said don't worry I know you are going to get better let the medicine help you. So around 4 in the morning she came for a blood draw and I told her she could use my right arm IV. She tried it but it did not work so I said try my left arm. Without even thinking my hand lifted off the bed! She said look! You moved your hand! She came around to my right side and said can you do that again? So sure enough I could move my hand and squeeze her fingers. She asked can you wiggle your toes? I tried and yes I could, I even raised them off the bed for her. I was so happy I was crying. She said she knew I would be able to move them in the morning. I've been praying all night I can't tell you how much that touched my heart. Her compassion and care were so comforting to me. I've never had so much attention in a hospital before. I think she knew I needed some TLC because I was so worried. She asked me if I wanted her to call my husband. I told her to hand me my phone and I'll text him. She did and my husband responded back immediately he was so happy. I told him it was all the great care I got last night. I truly believe hers and my prayers and her great care for me were the reason I could use my arms and legs.

She truly deserves this award. I don't think I could have stayed so calm if she hadn't put me at ease. I had to stay 2 nights and she was just as attentive as before. There were more people on the floor but she still was on time with my meds for pain and still took great care of me.