July 2022
HealthPark Medical Center
Fort Myers
United States




Monica would always be sure to explain to me what the plans were each day when I woke up; that way, there were no "scary" hospital surprises during my stay.
I was recently discharged from Healthpark hospital, located in Fort Myers, Florida. I had to have a visit to Healthpark due to a spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung), which I have had a history of for the past 2+ years now, except this one was a lot worse than the ones in the past. This pneumo was roughly a 20% collapse of my left lung, whereas my ones in the past never exceeded 5%; this meant I would require a tube to be implanted into my chest in order to withdraw the air out of my chest cavity to help my lung reinflate back to normal. To say I was scared would be an understatement. In my 23 years, this would be the most serious medical procedure I'd have to overcome. I arrived at the ER early Thursday morning; I left straight from work when I began feeling needle-like pain throughout the interior of my upper left torso. I was rushed in due to being short of breath and had my chest tube implanted only about an hour later. A couple of hours after that, I was then put into a room, I believe in the cardiovascular unit. It was not until I woke up on day 2 of my stay that I met Monica. She was then my daytime nurse until the end of my stay. Monica was so different from nurses in the past because she didn't treat me like just a patient. She went the extra mile to get to know me on a personal level and also shared a lot about herself which made me feel that much more comfortable talking to her about my medical concerns and advice on how I could get better as quickly as possible. Monica would always be sure to explain to me what the plans were each day when I woke up; that way, there were no "scary" hospital surprises during my stay. She would show care and concern for me regarding the times when she wasn't my nurse too. Every morning she would ask how my night went and how I slept, and she would ask about my pain levels several times throughout the day, ensuring I never had to endure any pain for longer than I had to. If I was unable to take any more serious painkillers, she would reach out and find another solution to ensure I was feeling my best despite the circumstances. On day 3 she brought me something called an incentive spirometer. I was given them in the past for my previous pneumos, but this time it was different. I didn't just wake up with it next to me. Monica would sit with me for a good amount of time the next 2 days I was there and explained to me how to use it and why it was important. She watched me use it and would coach me when I could do better and praised me when I began improving! When it was getting late on day 4 and it was time to go, I honestly cried going down the elevator after waving goodbye. Knowing that there's a good chance, should I have another medical emergency in the future, Monica will not be my nurse. But what does make me feel good is knowing that everyone Monica cares for on floor 5W at Healthpark Hospital is receiving the best care they ever could.