Kathryn "Katie" Barnes
June 2022
Kathryn "Katie"
Honor Health Osborn
United States




We cannot tell you how much that means to our hearts that she is LOOKING at our "C."
Katie, "C's" ICU nurse, came to us during our stay. Previous to her, we have witnessed critical care and support given to our truly gravely ill son with efficacy, efficiency, and compassion. We had never not once felt that our son was not held in the most careful of hands by anyone at HonorHealth Osborn. But Katie has that certain X factor that this nomination request is asking us to articulate, and we are not sure that we will do her justice in the attempt. Katie stands out. She has leadership in her that brings confidence into "C's" room. When we hear her speaking with other team members about "C" and his needs, we hear that she has taken the time to KNOW "C," not just as a series of notes but as a person. We hear that she has taken a kind of ownership of his care while she is on shift. For example, after a particularly rough few hours, Katie had found her way with "C's" care to get him resettled and comfortable, and she quietly stood over his bed. Dad next to her and me on the other side holding "C's" hand, she said, "I'm going to do whatever I can to help him get through this." She didn't make any empty promises; she just quietly committed her knowledge and experience to our son. OUR son. Can you imagine what that means to parents who just want their child back? For him to come back from the brink and have a chance at life again? To hear those words spoken was just as powerful to us as humans as watching her read his vitals and his body language against what the day has been like and what the goals are and making accurate decisions. Can you imagine what a statement like that means to us parents when we can do nothing, not one thing, to help our son to come back? It means we trust her. With our son. Our boy. Another example of her X factor: "C" had a moment of panic coming out of sedation and opened his eyes unexpectedly and quite dramatically. Katie happened to be standing right next to him, resolving an issue that had cropped up, as they do, and she just calmly and gently said: "Oh hi, "C" (nickname)." She had been listening to us talk to him and heard that we call him that and adopted it too. "B" and I fell into a pool of grateful tears when we stepped out of the room that she understood how much it meant that "C" heard the words that meant the most to him coming out of sedation. Every single time Katie comes into "C's" room, we observe her checking his stats and his meds, and EVERY TIME, she LOOKS at "C." I see her do that. She gives him her time to be seen as the person he is, sick and powerless. And she takes what she sees into account about how he is doing in the moment. We cannot tell you how much that means to our hearts that she is LOOKING at our "C." His color, his eyes, is he sweating or cold, how his breath cycles look, are his eyes fluttering, I see her seeing our son. From "B": "Katie is a unique blend of wisdom, caring, and compassion. She steps in at just the right moment with pragmatism, efficiency, and confidence. Yet, she also knows when to reach out to us as a family, when we need a minute of reassurance to hear what she is interpreting about "C's" condition in the moment, and what the plan is to move forward. She conveys herself with a sense of such calm and a caring heart that keeps us connected to reality and "C's: plan, not falling into fear and panic." We don't know if we have done enough to let you know how incredibly articulate Katie is in her craft and in her ability to help us keep our resiliency through this incredibly painful time. I don't know if it's possible. But please hear us. Katie is special. She just is. I don't know if you will get to see this Katie, but if you do...with so much sincerity, thank you. Just...thank you.