Jincy Joseph
January 2022
Labor and Delivery Room
Care National Hospital
Riyadh City
Ar Riyadh
Saudi Arabia




It was Friday and when I wanted to pray the Jumaa Salaah, without me asking she already understood what I needed and she brought the prayer mat and Quran for me.
Jincy was the first nurse to receive me in the Labor room. She was always smiling and showed genuine concern for my complaints. Jincy explained what and how to do it. Everything she wanted to convey was done with respect and was convincing. She also speaks very good Hindi. It was Friday and when I wanted to pray the Jumaa Salaah, without me asking she already understood what I needed and she brought the prayer mat and Quran for me.

Jincy's experience in nursing care and medical procedure is remarkable and she was performing her skills with confidence. When she was in the middle of assisting the active labor of another patient, the entire Dr. staff was with the other patient, but when I pressed the button for help, she came running to me out of concern and with the utmost care, she attended to my complaint. Jincy never complained that she was busy and then quickly went back to her previous work. She was also the one who assisted my delivery. Jincy was there for me whenever I was in pain, reassuring me and encouraging me. Even during active labor and post-partum care, she was continuously supporting me, I had nobody from my family to stay with me, but she was there for me. I would be happy if she receives this DAISY Award as I feel she truly deserves it.