Deborah Gibson
July 2022
Arkansas Continued Care Hospital
United States




Whatever the patient needs they get with Deborah.
Deborah doesn't just go above and beyond for staff, but for her patients as well. Working 12-hour shifts can take a toll on a lot of people but it's a walk in the park for Deborah. We had a patient who was 89 and was dying. The doctor came in and told the family the bad news, and Deborah came in after and explain the depth of what was happening. She didn't rush and didn't brush it off like it wasn't a big deal. It meant everything to explain. She then made the family and patient as comfortable as they could be. There are countless times when she made families and patients feel safe and went and worked diligently just to provide care for them.

Whatever the patient needs they get with Deborah. Not only does she help patients, but she goes above and beyond for staff. Deborah treats everyone equally no matter the certification they have. I am proud to call her a friend, a coworker, and a special nurse.