Kailyn Wilcox
May 2022
Limited Stay Unit
Children's Minnesota
United States




Kailyn provides an inclusive unit by making sure everyone is recognized and taking the time to learn about each individual. She respects everyone's needs and wants.
Throughout her time as our interim PCM, Kailyn really stepped up to the plate and role modeled what it was like to have an excellent PCM. Kailyn was always willing to learn about the Float Team and our workflow. She truly looked out for us and advocated for our unit even though she was only our interim PCM. Kailyn leads in a professional manner, but at the same time is personal and understanding. Kailyn is always present when meeting with her.


Kailyn's leadership style is one that I particularly appreciate and enjoy. When Kailyn makes decisions she looks at what is best for all areas and not just one individual area to ensure that equitable decisions are being made. Kailyn provides an inclusive unit by making sure everyone is recognized and taking the time to learn about each individual. She respects everyone's needs and wants.


Kailyn is always accessible. She responds in a very timely manner and is approachable. Even when her days are busy, she will always find the time to meet with you. Kailyn provides constructive, real-time feedback in a professional manner. Kailyn encourages professional development and for everyone to do what makes them happy in their nursing career, even if that means not staying on the team. Kailyn has served as my mentor in the interim PCS role and she is a strong leader that I strive to be.


Kailyn always provides clear, unbiased communication. She shares her vision as she makes her decisions, but also asks for feedback and opinions which is very valuable. Kailyn explores all aspects of situations and utilizes her critical thinking skills prior to making a decision to ensure the best outcome both for staff, the organization and patients/families.


While in her interim position, Kailyn always provided, role-modeled, and preached about the importance of a healthy work environment. She holds individuals accountable for their actions and truly lives by the Children's Values. Kailyn recognizes those for their hard work and is very appreciative. One example of this would be, that she recognized each of our CSAs by putting a sign on all of their lockers to show her appreciation.