Brittany Williams
July 2022
Brittany R
Texoma Medical Center
United States




Brittany responded and encouraged P, telling her how STRONG she was and that she had a great testimony.
Our patient P is 52 years old and is cancer-free today, after having suffered Stage 4 Lung Cancer with metastases. She has a tremendous following in her Oklahoma community in her Facebook group called “Believing with P.” P states that several of our nurses are a part of her Facebook group. What little she shared today was so inspiring. She has visited TMC a total of 19 times. After her 17th time here, she reached her 1 year anniversary of staying out of the hospital when she had to be admitted in February. She stayed on the 7th floor and Brittany Williams was one of her nurses. She describes one night, only she and her husband were in her room when Brittany quietly came in. P shared her entire story with Brittany and they “shared tears together.” Brittany responded and encouraged P, telling her how STRONG she was and that she had a great testimony. Brittany told P she had something she wanted to give her and presented a bracelet to her with a mustard seed in it. This story still lives with P today as she told how moving this encounter was.