Marilyn Whitesell
June 2022
Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women
United States




Marilyn advocated for me and cared for me as if I was family, despite only knowing me for a day.
I can’t go on about Mrs. Marilyn enough. I had suffered my third miscarriage and went in for an outpatient D and C. I, unfortunately, developed pretty significant blood loss and was transferred to Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women. While every nurse we encountered was wonderful, Marilyn is easily the most caring person I’ve ever been around.

I trusted she was taking wonderful care of me as sick as I was, but she did so with such kindness and empathy that it will forever stand out. Some people struggle to be kind while also working hard in serious situations, but not Marilyn. I felt both safe and cared for. She advocated for me and cared for me as if I was family, despite only knowing me for a day.

Baptist Womens is so fortunate to have her. On easily the scariest day of my life thus far, I’ll forever remember Marilyn. She even came by to check on me before being discharged even though she wasn’t my primary nurse that day. My husband and I can’t say thank you enough to her for her excellent care, and in my opinion, she is the perfect person to receive this recognition.

Note: This is Marilyn's 3rd DAISY award!