Jeffery Rumfield
July 2022
PhD, MPH, CCRN emeritus
VA Pacific Islands Health Care System
United States




Jeff's work not only impacts nursing but the entire organization and it ultimately affects our patients.
The need for staff to be recognized for good catches and identification of near misses as part of the organization's overall patient safety program and as an essential component of being a High Reliability Organization. Jeff worked with vendors to find an appropriate design that could be printed on a pin while representing our unique location in the Pacific. The pin This Nominee designed depicts Maui catching the sun which is an especially meaningful design for a great catch program. Jeff also designed the certificate for the program and worked with Public Affairs to publicize the program get the word out and provide a link to the nomination forms. This Nominee reviews every single great catch nomination and has been essential in establishing this program. Without Jeff's drive and persistence, this program would not have happened nor would it be the success it is today. Jeff is worthy of the DAISY Award as his work not only impacts nursing but the entire organization and it ultimately affects our patients. If we recognize our great catches as an organization and disseminate this information VAPIHCS will ultimately provide safer care for our Veterans!