Jenna Rogers-Bryant
July 2022
Birth Center
Deaconess MultiCare
United States




Jenna shifted the patient’s mental energy to really work hard and kept reminding her she CAN do it while protecting her privacy and modesty.
Jenna took care of a patient being induced with her fourth baby, from a different culture and country, with a doctor who had never met the patient prior. She treated this patient with so much compassion and sensitivity, she was such a great advocate and ally for this patient. The patient had a prolonged active stage of labor and when she was finally ready to start pushing, she was exhausted, fearful, and was giving up. She requested a c-section, the physician was reluctant but consented to her. Jenna encouraged the patient and reinforced she's done it before and can do it again, they began pushing. After a while with very little progress, they were again looking toward a c-section. While prepping the patient for surgery and replacing the catheter, Jenna felt the baby was so much lower and rallied the patient to dig deep and cross the finish line. She advocated to the physician to try one more time and shifted the patient’s mental energy to really work hard and kept reminding her she CAN do it while protecting her privacy and modesty. The patient delivered her baby vaginally and she and her husband were elated! Jenna demonstrated amazing advocacy and tenacity and is so appreciated by her patients and coworkers!