Terry Bemis
August 2022
The Birth Center
Centra Health
United States




Terry’s skill, compassion, empathy, attention to detail, energy, thoughtfulness, willingness, patience, and perseverance would be felt in every interaction.
I went into very premature labor with my twins. I was terrified, angry, nervous, all of the emotions. Terry maintained calm, encouraging demeaner the whole day; she explained everything she was giving me and all she was doing to me which made me feel very comfortable in a very uncomfortable and scary situation. Following the delivery of my first twin, Terry talked to me about my baby girl because I hadn’t been able to see her yet. She remained with me and took care of me while keeping tabs on my baby through updates from the NICU team.

When it was time to see my baby, Terry was told that I needed to come fast. She had me ready for transport almost immediately and had me (safely) rushed down the hall. She remained with me and advocated for myself, my baby, and my family. She provided us space as we held our daughter who lived for only 153 minutes. When we were ready to transition back to our room, she helped arrange for my baby to come be with us. She helped to transition me back to the labor and delivery room and she remained as I cried, mourned, and questioned everything. She did not judge me, she did not rush me., and she did all of this for my family as well.

Terry essentially remained with me from 7am to 7pm. If she stepped out to chart or do other work, she reassured me that she would be close by if I needed her. When I did need her, she came almost instantly. Terry’s skill, compassion, empathy, attention to detail, energy, thoughtfulness, willingness, patience, and perseverance would be felt in every interaction. My fiancé, my family, and I will forever be grateful that Terry was there with us on that bittersweet day. Thank you, Terry, from the bottom of our hearts. In loving memory of our twins.