Ivy Minerva
August 2022
University of Texas Medical Branch- Galveston
United States




While all this was going on Ivy still took the time and effort to educate the nursing students at the bedside.
From the beginning of my nursing career, Ivy has been a positive leader, mentor, and now colleague. I have so much respect for her as a nurse and a person. As a mentor, Ivy precepted me in the MICU and made sure I was successful in my career. There was never a doubt that Ivy enjoyed precepting and work diligently to ensure I was ready to care for patients on my own. I am forever thankful for her being my mentor as I began my nursing career!

As a leader, Ivy would ensure all the nurses on the unit were supported and she never left anyone alone when their patient was crashing. I was always thankful to have her as a pod partner charge nurse and rapid response nurse. She is also a leader in the SON at UTMB where she is a clinical instructor for 1st semester nursing students. All her students respect her and it was evident when multiple of her students complimented her extraordinary work on the unit. Of course I could go on about her strong work ethic and dedication to providing BEST care, but this scenario provides a clear picture of her character and why she is deserving of this DAISY Award.

My unit 10C was capped with 2 nurses and 12 patients and the unit was extremely heavy and the acuity was high. I walked back to the unit to see a patient on tele with a heart rate in the 200s. I quickly went to the room and my team followed. We activated the Rapid Response team due to the complexity of the patient’s needs at the time. This day Ivy had multiple students on both of my units and when she saw all the people in the room she quickly jumped in to help any way she could. The patient was in AFIB w/RVR and required a dose of metoprolol and then the patient was in SVT. Ivy quickly reacted to help me and my team as my nurses also had 11 other patients to care for. She jumped into action getting the code cart for us at bedside, running back and forth to get me supplies and doing whatever tasks she could.

While all this was going on Ivy still took the time and effort to educate the nursing students at the bedside. Explaining why we placed the pacing pads on the patient, why we gave metoprolol why we gave amiodarone and why we eventually intubated the patient at bedside. Ivy, an ICU nurse, quickly supported my team and the physician team while we stabilized the patient to transport to the ICU. At this moment, Ivy demonstrated all the core values of UTMB and the character of extraordinary nurse and colleague. If it had not been for Ivy, this day, myself, and my team, would have struggled to care for this patient and all the others on the unit. This is only one scenario on one day but there several stories I could give to justify this nomination. UTMB is extremely lucky to have Ivy Minerva as a nurse clinician and more importantly the patients are lucky to receive the care she provides. Thank you, Ivy, for all that you do for our patients our colleagues and our future nurses!