August 2022
Corinna M
Heart and Vascular Intensive Care Unit
Premier Health-Miami Valley Hospital
United States




Corie felt like one of the family and was there quickly when we called out and checked on us frequently, she also helped me with my nurse/daughter guilt of letting her go at the moment.
The Heart and Vascular 4 Unit did an excellent job of caring for my mother. I am an employee of Premier Health and being put on the other side is difficult. My mother came in for the TAVR procedure and had some complications, she had a stroke and ended up passing away. This was very difficult to wrap my head around thinking she was coming in for this procedure so she could get around more and enjoy her family this spring and summer. Covid visitor restrictions had limited family coming to visit and with my mom wanting me and her husband there daily, I was the spokesperson for our family. I kept them posted and helped her talk to some on phone but she never felt well enough to talk to a lot of people.

On Sunday, I received a call that my mother had a suspected stroke which was felt to be massive and they had to intubate her to take her for testing and possible intervention but the stroke had already done a lot of damage and nothing could really be done. My family and I had to make some decisions and when I asked if they would allow her daughters and one grandson to come in and see her so those decisions could be made, they did allow them to come in for which I am so thankful, I do not remember the nurse's name but she was open to allowing some time to be spent with my mom and her family and called the Nurse Practitioner for the Critical Care Group to come to talk to everyone (she was awesome). We decided after a day or so that her outcome would not be good and decided to take her off of the ventilator.

Corie was the nurse that day and after talking with her and understanding how the process would go, I asked if her children/adult grandchildren and other close relatives could come and visit her before taking her off of the ventilator and she made this happen. I have a huge family and 2 X 2 everyone who wanted to visit her came up and got to see her give hugs/kisses. I was very happy that Corie was with us when they took her off of the vent and also allowed my sisters, nephew, and stepfather was able to spend that day with her.

Corie felt like one of the family and was there quickly when we called out and checked on us frequently, she also helped me with my nurse/daughter guilt of letting her go at the moment. She let us laugh, play music, eat, cry, and try to help us through this horrible time. I am so grateful Corie was our nurse those 2 days and I cannot thank her enough for talking me/us through this. Corie even helped my sister look for "Julia" which my sister thought was a person but actually was a song my mom loved. My sisters and I still laugh when we say "where's Julia?"

I know this is long but my Mom was my rock and my world and wanted everyone especially Corie to know how much being able to spend those moments with my Mom meant to me and my family we are forever grateful for allowing this time. This helps us while we all navigate the grief of losing my amazing mother what seems like so suddenly. Thank you to the staff and all the physicians that cared for her and us. As I looked at the nomination criteria for this award every aspect was hit. Thank you on behalf of my mom's entire family.