Dan Prodoehl
March 2017
Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center




Our family was introduced to Dan after M was diagnosed with cancer (CLL) and having to go on chemo for 6 sessions. Dan was very caring and offered to give us his cell number to call him at any time if we had problems. This shows how he cares for his patients. M has called him numerous times and he has always beckoned to his calls. He has been very understanding and patient with M.
When he needed to know some things about medications or appointments, 'he was there for him'. He is truly committed to his nursing degree. He has always been friendly and caring and also very knowledgeable. The staff that he works with are all caring individuals. They all get along great!! It's like a big happy family!
We call him 'Dan the Man' because he is always there for you when you need him. We feel he carries all the I CARE principles. He is truly an angel of mercy! If all the nursing staff in the world would be this caring - the world would be a better place.