Taylor Fink
June 2022
Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health
United States




Taylor is a kind soul and, in my opinion, is the standard that all nurses should strive to be. Taylor is comforting, selfless, and loves deeply.
Selflessness is defined as having a “concern more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own”. It is difficult to put into writing the level of love and selflessness that Taylor Fink possesses inside, but allow me to attempt to explain.

K is my sister and was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer in July of 2021. While the initial news of the cancer diagnosis was a shock, to say the least, we as a family knew that K would be the next person to push through chemo and put cancer in the rear-view mirror as she moves forward in her life making an impact on young children’s lives as a teacher. K battled cancer as best as she could for 9 months, with no positive progress being made. Inevitably, in a short period of time, cancer was going to take its evil toll on K. In March, my family and I received the most devastating and earth-shattering news that we have ever heard. My 28-year-old sister, K, has 2-4 weeks before the cancer runs its course and takes our K girl from us. The doctors assured us that they have done everything and exhausted all options to rid K of cancer. Unfortunately, it could not be done. The only option was to make her comfortable for the remainder of her short time with us. K's only wishes were to be able to live out the rest of her days in the comfort of her own home with her family.

The at-home hospice team got K a hospital bed set up, a portable oxygen tank, and some sort of suction machine that was hooked up to a tube going to her stomach. In comes Taylor Fink… Taylor showed exceptional 24/7 care to my sister while she was laying on her deathbed. Taylor gave her medication to make her comfortable, cleaned her suction machine when it was full, woke up with her in the middle of the night, and assisted her in walking to the bathroom when needed. All tasks listed are something that anyone can do, but Taylor showed a type of love that no one else could provide for my sister.

Sleep-deprived, Taylor wakes up around 2 am to give K her medicine, check on how she is doing, and assist her to the bathroom. Taylor stayed with her throughout the day and barely left K out of her sight. Taylor did this every day for two weeks. Where K was, Taylor was. Taylor cared for K in a time K needed her the most. The pure act of selflessness is truly admirable. Taylor is a kind soul and, in my opinion, is the standard that all nurses should strive to be. Taylor is comforting, selfless, and loves deeply. It was because of this pure act of selflessness that I write this long-winded reasoning behind my nomination.

Some at Riley Hospital know that K was Taylor’s sister-in-law, however, they were more like sisters. K was not a patient at Riley Hospital. Taylor took about 2.5 weeks off to care for my sister at home. Taylor was not vacationing or laying on the beach during her time off. Taylor provided 24/7 at-home care for my dying sister while taking time away from her work. While this did not take place at Riley Hospital, my family and I truly believe that her pure act of selflessness needs to be rewarded in any way possible. Taylor took time away from work to be with K, so I believe she should be rewarded. My family will be forever in debt to Taylor Fink.

Taylor is a DAISY Nurse because of the level of selflessness and care that she provided to my sister. Taylor should be praised for her efforts when providing care for my sister when even no one was watching. As John Wooden once said, “the true test of a person’s character is what they do when no one is watching”.