Lena Smith
September 2022
Bon Secours St. Francis
United States




I had Lena several different nights. She was so compassionate and kind.
After my heart Cath, it was determined I needed a bypass. I was put on the 3rd floor so the Plavix in my system could be washed out with Heparin. I had Lena several different nights. She was so compassionate and kind. The day before the scheduled CABG, I began having abdominal pain and it was getting increasingly worse. Nausea began in waves. I was given Tylenol throughout the day and Zofran for nausea. The pains were increasing and I was given stronger pain meds. When Lena came on shift, my siblings came by to visit and I was miserable. Lena was so kind to them. Later, she found me on side of the bed fainted from the pain. She called a rapid response code, and the CT scan showed a bleed. The vascular doctor canceled the heparin. I vomited two times and she cleaned me up with such respect. Although she felt my surgery would be postponed, she got me ready with such efficiency. She is my hero and my advocate. She even came to visit me after my surgery on the second floor.