Sonja Bozoian
September 2022
Northside Hospital Duluth
United States




Sonja’s ability to make our long-term patients feel seen and cared for while in the hospital, would become one of Sonja’s superpowers.
It has been beautiful to witness Sonja’s journey from a student nurse to Manager of the Duluth Surgical unit. Sonja has the ability to deeply connect with the patients and staff. This connection allows her to inspire patients and staff to be their best.

Beginning as a student nurse, she had empathy and compassion for her patients. Watching her care for her first patient, Mr. M, she was so tender and loving with him, while he was battling end-stage COPD. Sonja got to know Mr. M by asking him questions about his life and family. She connected with Mr. M by seeing beyond his COPD and touching the heart of the man. I always loved seeing the smile on his face, when Sonja was his student nurse.

As a new nurse on the fourth floor, Sonja met a young dialysis patient, who was a frequent patient in Duluth. This young lady spent so much time in the hospital alone. However, when Sonja was working (even if she wasn’t her patient) she made this patient feel so loved and cared for. Sonja would play games with her, brush her hair, made sure she was eating, and most important, Sonja loved this patient. The power of touch in healing isn’t talked about much, but Sonja knew this young lady needed to feel cared for. Quite often I would see Sonja charting with this patient sitting right next to her and this patient always had her arm around Sonja. Many times Sonja would bring in clothes, make-up, and other special treats just so this patient’s time in the hospital would be a little more pleasant.

Sonja’s ability to make our long-term patients feel seen and cared for while in the hospital, would become one of Sonja’s superpowers.
A heartbreak for Sonja was a long-term cancer patient, who frequented the fourth floor. This patient’s daughter and husband almost always moved in with the patient. Being an Extraordinary Nurse, Sonja cared for this patient as if she was her own family. This patient had difficulty controlling her pain and Sonja was always advocating for her and teaching the patient and family how to manage the pain. What stood out the most, is how Sonja cared for the husband and daughter. They needed comfort and hugs quite often and Sonja was always there to allow them to lean on her during their grief. This family would request Sonja as soon as they arrived in the ED and when the patient died, the husband and daughter reached out to Sonja to share the funeral arrangements.

Sonja was promoted to house coordinator where her leadership skills shinned. She was able to see beyond one unit and help all units in the hospital with staffing and flow. If a unit needed assistance, Sonja would jump right in and help with starting IVs or making beds.

Sonja then became the manager of the surgical unit. This unit was blessed with incredible staff but unfortunately had quite a few different managers over the past few years. Sonja was keenly aware of this and knew the unit needed stability and consistency. They hit the jackpot with Sonja. The staff quickly realized they could count on Sonja to be elbow to elbow with them. She did not ask the staff to do anything that she wasn’t willing to do herself. She empowered her staff to excel in excellence. Encouraged them to further their careers with certifications or the nurse ladder program. Multiple nurses are DAISY Honorees or nominees, AJC winners. All of her supervisors have been promoted from her unit. Sonja has celebrated each and every one!

Shortly after becoming manager of the surgical unit they admitted a long-term patient, K. K would end up being on her unit for over a year. K was not an easy patient to care for especially in the beginning. But Sonja’s superpower took over and with her leading the way, the whole staff took care of K as one of their own. Being a long-term patient, it’s important for her to get dressed in regular clothes and when she could no longer fit into her clothes, Sonja and the staff would bring in clothes for K, paint her nails, and cut her hair. K needed new reading glasses and Sonja did everything she could possibly do to get her new glasses, unfortunately, this was just not possible. Sonja and her staff celebrated K’s birthday and holidays.

During Covid, when her unit was converted into the Covid unit, Sonja led her staff through their fear and uncertainty. And when the first Covid patient arrived, Sonja gowned up and went to greet the patient, knowing the patient needed a warm kind face, just as much as the staff needed Sonja’s leadership. Like all of the managers in Duluth, Sonja worked long hours making sure her staff and patients were cared for. Her staff saw her elbow to elbow with them, walking along them in treating Covid patients.

As a leader, Sonja’s steadfastness, commitment, loyalty, and love for her team are what makes her and her team special. She has been known to support her team during personal crises. Sonja goes above and beyond for her team and patients. Even the smallest of gestures make a huge difference. Recently, one of her team members won a safety catch award and she had the staff member come in and listen as it was announced at the QPS meeting. It brought a smile that was unstoppable.

This past week she had the opportunity to see K, the smile and hug she brought K brightened her day and Sonja commented, that K was still wearing her husband’s sweatshirt, M, we won’t tell you it was your favorite Red Sox Sweatshirt! She has shown her team how to love even the most unlovable! Needless to say, we are blessed to have her! Congratulations Sunshine!