February 2022
Bakersfield Memorial Hospital
United States




I was a little sad and he stopped and talked to me for a few minutes before he had to run to another patient’s room.
I normally don’t have great things to say about my stay at Bakersfield Memorial Hospital. I have had several bad experiences. Today was a different day and a completely different hospital stay. I can honestly say I was so worried and scared when I was told they were transferring me to Bakersfield Memorial for possible appendicitis. Being an ex-health care worker I give everyone the courtesy they deserve. It’s even more difficult now to be a health care worker than ever before. My stay started with every test that could be done. I am deathly allergic to iodine dye for the CAT scan contrast so the doctors I saw handled my situation with every precaution they could to figure out a good plan for me. My stay was more than 3 days and included lots of antibiotics and even some blood thinners to control my VTOS and NTOS. The doctors even listened to my concerns about appendicitis and how treatment might affect my other conditions. For that thank you doctors you are awesome!!!

My day started with another nurse who unfortunately had to go home early so Paul had to pick up her patients that day and still care for the ones he was assigned. My IV kept beeping due to me most likely moving my wrist the wrong way for even a second. I can’t tell you how many times he had to come fix that or even come to help me out so I could use the bathroom. Every time I could see the sweat on his forehead and the stress in his eyes but he managed to smile and with a caring voice asked what I needed or if I was ok.

After doctors had to prescribe a blood thinner shot I was a little sad and he stopped and talked to me for a few minutes before he had to run to another patient’s room. In the short time, he was my nurse he made a lasting impression of what a good caring dedicated nurse should be. If nurses worked on tips I would’ve given him the biggest tip I could afford. He reassured me that good people are still out there. Thank you thank you thank you and thank you.