Jane Petersen
April 2022
Surgical Testing and Registration
Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center
United States




It was determined she had a large pulmonary embolism. Had Jane not made her go to ED she would have gone home and died.
There are so many examples of why Jane is a DAISY Nurse. She goes above and beyond the call of duty and I only aspire to be more like her. About a year ago she was seeing a patient for her preop testing and history evaluation. The patient was in a wheelchair and short of breath. Using her critical thinking she determined there was an issue even though the patient insisted she felt fine. The patient finally admitted to having some chest pressure and continued to state she was ok. Upon Jane's insistence, the patient was taken to ED for further workup even though the patient did not want to go. It was determined she had a large pulmonary embolism. Had Jane not made her go to ED she would have gone home and died.

More recently she had a patient who had a rapid pulse and EKG showing a rate of 154 beats/min. The patient could not tell that her heart was racing that fast and she denied any symptoms. This patient was agreeable to being seen in ED and it was determined that she had SVT and had to be cardioverted in ED. Jane did a follow-up call to the patient the next day and she stated she was feeling much better. Mind you the patient had been evaluated by her cardiologist the day before her STAR appointment and was cleared for surgery. Her patient was very thankful for her actions.

There are so many more examples but these 2 really stick out to me. She is a team player and an excellent nurse!