Susan Pagan
June 2021
E2 - ICU/Critical Care
Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital
Lake Forest
United States




She's extremely competent, organized, very detail-oriented, and efficient.
My wife S (age 79) was admitted as a cardiac patient in the ER of the Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital. After being stabilized, S was moved to the Pavilion E, Waud Family Wing in the main hospital. There, her principal nurse caregiver was Mrs. Susan Pagan, a wonderfully helpful, learned, and caring nurse. To my wife's considerable delight, Susan was also - like my wife - the mother of three. Susan is also expecting another child. For my wife, as for myself, to see caregivers and nurses who are pregnant and happily engaged in productive work is a Great Plus. It reflects so well on the institution or hospital that employs them. It makes us proud of Lake Forest Hospital, which is where S bore our now adult children. But Susan isn't just pregnant with a baby, she is "pregnant" with HELPFULNESS!

In addition to helping my exhausted and IV-encumbered wife to settle in satisfactorily, Susan - who has a splendid bedside manner - remained watchful. This professional attentiveness enabled Susan to save my wife from SERIOUS HARM after S had been given a concentrated potassium solution to help stabilize her arrhythmia and AFID. S started to collapse - with the strong possibility of not only passing out but also of falling and hurting herself (a real danger when taking blood-thinners) - but ever alert Susan immediately saw S was in distress, came to her rescue, and stopped the medication. SUSAN SAVED MY WIFE FROM SERIOUS HARM! Of this, S is certain!

In all respects, nurse Susan is pleasant, very helpful, and ALWAYS on the lookout for the patient's well-being. She's extremely competent, organized, very detail-oriented, and efficient. At various times, she also took the time to discuss with great clarity my wife's medications. Susan's exit debriefing was a model of clarity and thoughtfulness. My wife - like myself - was very impressed with nurse Susan's general manner and her professional competence. She's not only a fine woman and mother, but she's also an Extra Special Nurse.

Susan's a terrific communicator. My wife and I enjoyed not only her clear explanations but also her lively sense of humor. Gentle cheer like Susan's is of great value to patients. Susan is a woman and nurse of superior intelligence and ability. We hope that she will be given opportunities to shine. We both recommend her most highly. The hospital has a terrific asset in Mrs. Susan Pagan, RN.