Rousell Wilson
May 2022
Ortho Clinic
LAC+USC Medical Center
Los Angeles
United States




Rousell is humble, soft spoken, always a professional nurse, she provides extraordinary compassion to patients and families every day.
I'm writing to commend one of your staff for a display of professionalism and kindness shown to me some months ago. I arrived for an appointment in Adult Orthopedics. It went well and without issue until the end when I was instructed to wait for a follow-up appointment due to its critical nature. This wait lasted over two hours and included several inquiries by me to various nurses on staff. My frustration mounted and seeing my apparent distress, Nurse Rousell Wilson intervened and spoke to me in understanding tones. She took it upon herself to lead me into a room while I waited for her to check on my status. The first time slot she offered was not amenable to my schedule, so she waited until my doctor was available to confirm with her on an alternate appointment date. She waited while he finished with another patient to secure his attention immediately after.

Throughout my ordeal, Nurse Wilson demonstrated compassion and understanding, and apologized for any neglect I felt. This act of accountability made all the difference to me and eliminated much of the stress I felt. Although this message is a bit delayed, my hope is that Nurse Rousell Wilson receives an official acknowledgement for the professionalism and kindness she displayed to me on that day. I believe that this should be a model for patient interactions, and furthermore I believe that health professionals must demonstrate both of those qualities in order to ensure positive outcomes. Thank you for your time and attention.


A DAISY Award is given out to nurses who exhibit extraordinary and remarkable patient care, and that is what one of our Ortho patients said in his letter to our CEO about our Rousell. Rousell is humble, soft spoken, always a professional nurse, she provides extraordinary compassion to patients and families every day. Today we celebrate you and would like to recognize the amazing work that you do each and every single day. You Go, Rousell!!!