Susan Williams
October 2022
Susan L
Piedmont Columbus Regional
United States




Susan would have advocated for us to stay if we needed to, because we know she truly cares for our baby.
How long do you have to listen about how amazing Susan is, because I could go on and on! I’ll begin at the end though. Following a week-long stay due to complications from RSV, we finally took our 5-month-old baby girl home. That first night away from monitors and oxygen and breathing treatments, it was scary! In a moment of increasing anxiety, my husband reminded me, Susan was excited for us to go home. She wouldn’t have let us leave if she didn’t think A would be ok at home? And ya know what? That calmed me right down and allowed us all to sleep that night. Because he’s right, Susan would have advocated for us to stay if we needed to, because we know she truly cares for our baby.

Let’s jump back to an example from our time in the hospital. A woke up from a night of sleep with her nose and eyes practically crusted shut. Susan comes to the room because I wanted her to see that A probably needs some eye drops or something. "Oh my gosh! She's so cute!" Susan exclaimed. Now, I thought she was cute, but she’s mine. But Susan thought that my crusty little baby was cute too! She then insisted on getting A cleaned up, gently working the gunk off with warm cloths so A wouldn’t be uncomfortable. I’ll stop there because I know this is long. But our family needs everyone to know that you have an incredible nurse up there on the 5th floor, and she’s taking amazing care of all the babies and their families.