The University of Kansas Health System Emergency Department Team
October 2021
Emergency Department Team
at The University of Kansas Health System
Emergency Department Team
The University of Kansas Health System
Kansas City
United States
Heston Michelle
Hekele Tiffany
Belcher Beth
Robinson Mia
Karst Jessa
Marlin Courtney
Bhakta Sima
Chestnut Candy
Goetschius Marilyn
Burley Nick
Flax Jarrod
Masin Daniel
Patel Aashni
McMahon Adelle
Bauman Jonathan
Lo Peter
Dunn Thomas
Herrmann Thomas
Helberg Travis
Hudson-Walsh Brittany
Dompeling Jonathan
Petz Austin
Vendsel Lane
Von Deylen
Aryn Dixon
Mannebach Nicholas
Briscoe Britney
Volk Bryce
Nguyen David
Dryton Gillian
Patel Janak
Giannetti Shane
Potter Rebecca
Gentry Maria
Valentine Brittani
Nugent Marissa
Briggs Allyson
Foley Andrew
Heenan Matt
Horky John
Atkins LaToya
Black Abiodun
Blanchard Robert
Castaneda Brian
Clark Michael
Clark Timothy
Crabtree Shawn
Dalton Casey
Eklund Blake
Ellis Grant
England Christopher
Gray Hanif
Hill James
Jones Javonte
Lawson Miranda
Longoria Justin
Loth Phillip
Masilionis Daniel
Miller Cory
Moody Ian
Mortenson Sterling
Nogle Clay
Olsen Sterling
Scott Howard
Stach Daniel
Teddy Jason
Weber Peter
Weissenbach Benjamin
Wilson Jacob
Jefferson Kim
Piercey Dana
Carter Jaquita
Williams Tila
Perez Felisecia
Savior Akilah
Enriquez Karen
Williams Marcus
Jackson Nicole
Issawi Danya
Zhao Chen
McCully Jennifer
Wash Brianne
Wilson Kyndal
Biggs Sherri
Garcia Cristina
Allen Lyndsey
Jackson Monica
Redeemer-White Alicia
Prater Nate
Martell Damien
Bryant Jason
Frazell Kelly
Haberly Brett
Hale Rob
Harris John
Mattison Paula
Ogden Grant
Peterson Erick
Piyassaphan Malaina
Rittscher Andrew
Rotrock Michelle
Thomas Ashland
Trautman Chad
Warren Christin
Widener Michelle
Coats Scott
Frey Laura
Nammavaly Melissa
Prothe Kevin
Abad Sabrina
Abusalim Nadeen
Aguilar Marla
Allen Katie
O'Keefe Rachel
Bayless Thomas
Bayne Brianna
Bays Sarah
Bell Daniel
Bishop Sierra
Bizzell Lucas
Blevins Kenzie
Blevins Rick
Boulware Julie
Brady Leslee
Breitenbach Hayley
Breshears Amy
Briggs Dalton
Brock Hannah
Broddle Samuel
Brubeck Rhys
Buck Jennifer
Bussell Jordyn
Canada Aimee
Carleton Allie
Casey Alyssa
Casey Wesley
Cinquanta Rachael
Clark Matt
Clark Nicholas
Clark Tiffany
Clausen Katie
Coleman Arielle
Cooper Casey
Cummings Lori
Dajani Amani
Daugherty Taylor
Diaz Breanna
Diaz Gloria
Dryer Stacy
Dugan Jake
Earl Greg
Eidemiller Noah
Ellington Sophie
Fangman Bridget
Fauser Reese
Ferrara Maddie
Ferrigan Bridget
Finnegan Brianna
Fisher Jared
Flinn Sidney
Fraley Julia
Franklin Jamie
Frazier Victoria
Gerdes Caitlyn
Gibson Logan
Gilliam Jarred
Glenn William
Greig Sam
Groshans Maddy
Grot Caleb
Gunsolley Magen
Hainje Ashley
Hand Nicole
Hanson Heaven
Harenza Regan
Harney Sutapa
Hattesohl Mackenzie
Hay Katheryne
Heckman Emily
Heisel Lauren
Henrich Laura
Hinton Nick
Holmes Madison
Howe Kelly
Hrizuk Lindsey
Hunter Sarah
Hurtado Rachel
Inman Emma
Iverson Mckenzie
Johnston Haleigh
Jones Jarius
Jones Karen
Jones Valerie
Juarez Andrew
Karleskint Olivia
Keating Julia
Kish Cherilyn
Klein Thaine
Knight Emily
Kolar Olivia
Lacapra Maria
Ladner Sara
Lafountain Mattie
Lawton Joel
Leblue Jaysha
Lerdahl Jason
Lindemann Andrew
Lino Jared
LoMaglio Cassie
Lopez Andrew
Lothamer Lizzy
Lottie Sydney
Madsen Erin
Maier Maggie
Mallory Crystal
Martinez Selena
McCravy Tessa
McCubbin Katie
McEnroe Morgan
McGhee Morghan
McKinney Jaycee
Meneses-Furuseth Isabella
Meyer Grant
Miller Caitlin
Miller Marsha
Miller Micki
Milliard Coral
Montgomery Erica
Moore Jessica
Moore Scott
Mor Hanah
Mullenix Makalyn
Mulnix Allison
Munley Teresa
Murray Tamara
Navickas Cailin
Neal Matt
Nunley Michaela
O'Dell Alyssa
Ohler Jamie
Parman Christina
Peine Madison
Perez Solorzano
Perez Theresa
Pham Tien
Pimentel Catharine
Puno Mark
Rand Tristen
Ray Sara
Ren Steven
Rice Christine
Riley Shelby
Ritter Mindy
Rivera Paola
Rodriguez-Esler Susana
Rose-Legg Andrew
Rothfusz Natalie
Sadosky Elaine
Sandt Drew
Sbarro Joseph
Schear Angela
Schmidt Meghan
Seibel Kate
Sharifi Nadia
Shelton Tucker
Sherard Dana
Skinner Raven
Smith Abigail
Smith David
Smith Hillary
Snyder Sidney
Solis Marco
Stauffer Stevy
Stebens Morgan
Steele Libby
Stewart Samantha
Sutton Elizabeth
Swan Carley
Talbert Rebecca
Tanguay Micah
Taylor Huntre
Taylor Jordan
Taylor Samantha
Thomeczek Kelsey
Trujillo Savannah
Waxman Molly
Webber Heidi
Wedel Nathan
Whipple Courtney
Whitcher Sam
White Kathleen
Wilhelm Nicole
Wilkins Madison
Williams Chandra
Williams Sharra
Wingate Connor
Wranich Joseph
Wright Monchelle
Zari-Altaji Ashley
Zeller Angel
Zimmerman Sarah
Broadbent Terry
Carroll Michael
Hill Cindy
Mesmer Maggie
Murdoch Emalie
Nguyen Emily
Rockefeller Bri
Bowman Laurie
Jacobsen Regan
Moffat Lindsey
Tarnowski Nick
Allin Dennis
Amlong Ambrosya
Barth Brad
Bauman Maralee
Beaver Bryan
Bernath Kristi
Brown Kyle
Cannon Chad
Ceule Scott
Cook Matthew
Dangers Jon
Deitz Rick
Imhoff Bryan
Jackson Brad
Jacobsen Ryan
Lemar Lucas
Malik Addie
Marshall Kenneth
Norvell Jeff
Park Andrew
Patterson Kimko
Pearce Elspeth
Peterson Alicia
Pirotte Andrew
Rianprakaisang Tony
Sarani Nima
Selby Sara
Thiessen Mary
Thom Stephanie
Thomas Melissa
Thompson Dana
Thornton Stephen
Wilcher Jonathan
Wilson Michelle
Wolf Jean
Woolf Jeannette
Pardo Claudia
Leblanc Fred
Tajin-Hernandex Jackie
Bates Matthew
Ponce Alvarez
McCroskie Yamir
Contreras Allie
Carter Betty
Williams Brandon
Goin Bryan
Nazario Christopher
Yeoman Deborah
Ruffin Derek
Lester Dina
Clauser Janet
McCartney Katie
Snowbarger Nikki
Perry Patrick
Jacob Regina
Jenkins Samantha
Werkowitch Sarah
Wolf Travis
Baio Victoria
Bollat Antonio
Smith Candis
Sanders Brandi
Wilson Charles
Hill Emma
Pope Kenneth
Odum Daniel
Dale George
Davis Kyle
Sivilaisane Souk
Gulley Vincent
Huynh Tony
Mitchell Gregory
Harker Jahmeca
Jones Richard
Jones Keith
Nunnelley Joyce
Stone Luke
Ramsey Danny




Over this past year and a half, this team has risen to the occasion of continuing to serve our patients, not only for known and familiar emergencies, but for those that are attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic, the ambulance bay, now referred to as Forward Triage Area or FTA, was converted into 12 extra hospital bays, with negative air pressure, from one Friday night to the following Monday. For many months, these rooms allowed for a designated area to treat ambulatory emergent patients experiencing COVID-19 signs and symptoms. As our ambulatory COVID-19 patient population has dwindled over time, this area continues to serve many of the lower acuity patients presenting to the Emergency Department (ED), expanding our treatment rooms from 43 to 55. According to many of the patients our emergency room treats, many referred to us as the “destination” emergency room and hospital, not only for those concerned with COVID-19, but for health care in general. Working as the “destination” providers, our Emergency Department serves over 60,000 patients annually, and are “prepared to treat any injury or condition, from common to rare, minor to life-threatening, at any [given] time.” The difference this team makes is witnessed by their determination, grit, and resilience to be their best, do their best, for the best; our patients, both in the Emergency Department and throughout the health system.

ED staff serves the health system by dispatching to various areas of the hospital to assist with placing Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Intravenous Vascular (USGPIVs). Several emergency nurses are trained in USGPIV access and bridge gaps overnight, during instances where IV therapy staff is limited or unavailable. Similarly, our emergency department techs and UAPs respond to STAT EKGs pages overnight, fulfilling a need that would otherwise remain unavailable. Another gap noted by our nurse manager, within our department, was the amount of time between a patient checking-in to starting the triage process. To reduce the amount of time patients waited until triage is started, our manager introduced the idea of “Triage Ten,” an Voalte message notifying staff that five patients are waiting to be triaged or at least one patient has been waiting more than 15 minutes for triage. By activating “Triage Ten,” one, two, or more staff members present to triage at once and proceed to triage 2-3 patients during the next ten minutes. Upon completion, staff then returns to their assignment. Because we have seen up to 25 patients check in over the course of one hour, this allows the team to pull multiple resources for a short duration, but has a significant impact for identifying emergencies, allowing staff to provide better care, and continue to build trusting relationships both among co-workers (by responding to the “Triage Ten”) and patients with staff, by decreasing their wait time from check in to starting the triage process.

Looking back at patient references to The University of Kansas Hospital being the “destination” place for health care is only further supported by the health system’s ranking as the facility in the Kansas City area, according to U.S. News and World Report. This is the reason the ED encounters many of their patients requiring emergency services because they receive a majority of, if not all, their health care with the system. But once here, our team makes the difference, because unlike most other teams, we are jacks of all trades–masters of all. The Emergency Department demonstrates clinical expertise in their bedside care, continuing education, and ability to perform under high pressure situations. Emergency staff fulfill requirements of the accreditation process for multiple designations including, Level 1 Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons, Advanced Comprehensive Stroke Center by the Joint Commission in collaboration with the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association, and the Comprehensive Cardiac Center by the Joint Commission.

The University of Kansas Hospital’s Emergency Department received the Emergency Nursing Association Lantern Award 2019 (valid for 3 years). Nursing team members are also Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) certified, VAD (Ventricular Assist Device) Aware, and a handful are Advanced Burn Life Support (ABLS) certified. Not to mention, approximately 30% of our nursing staff holds at least one certification and seven nurses holding two or more certifications. The team’s work is not only recognized from governing bodies and through awards, but also from our patients and peers. Several of our nurses have received DAISY Award nominations and accolades via Patient Relations. Nurses and techs/UAPs often recognize their peers through Shift Shout Outs daily and supervisors through their daily End-of-Shift reports. Many peers also recognize each other through the annual Nursing Excellence Awards (22 nominations for 2021) and Donor Supported Awards (5 nominations, 2 winners for Angela Buisch Award 2021), many of whom are also recipients.

Our forensic program coordinator has been nominated for the International Association of Forensic Nurses Frontline Nurse of the Year Award 2021 by nurses within and outside of the health system. And seeing that a team is made more than just the nurses, it is also important to note that two of our physicians have been awarded Attending of the Year (only three given/year since 2019), and several more also received nominations. While these examples highlight the competency of the Emergency Department team, it fails to embody their compassion and empathy. So how does staff put this into practice?

Following a pediatric resuscitation, a nurse obtained permission from the coroner’s office to cut a lock of hair for the parents. Staff continuing to resuscitate a patient until a priest arrived to fulfill family’s wishes of final prayers (last rites). Another nurse recognizing a patient being groomed for sex trafficking and calling our forensic program coordinator to visit with the patient, identify necessary resources, and developing a safety plan. Though these are but a few examples, they all required staff to build trusting relationships and display compassionate care both with patients and their families within a short time span. Like the daily functions of the emergency department, we hope this brief encounter with who we are, what we do, and how we serve as a team, is reflected in this nomination. As with any unit, staff often rely heavily on one another to make a day successful, and this team’s ability to perform at these demanding, high levels of competency and expertise, remain compassionate and trustworthy, all while providing extraordinary service, continues to be made possible because of their strong teamwork.