Diane Carp
October 2022
Grand View Health
United States




Nothing can ever fully prepare you to labor and deliver a baby that is no longer living, but Diane compassionately led us through the darkest time of our lives.
October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month and I cannot think of a more fitting person to be honored with a DAISY Award for the month of October (or any month for that matter) than Diane Carp.

My pregnancy journey with Grand View Health started in 2018 when I first became pregnant with our daughter K. I was an employee of the Grand View Children’s Center at the time and didn't think twice about choosing Grand View for my prenatal care. When we became pregnant again in 2019 Grand View again was my first choice for care, little did I know the importance of the choice I was making at the time. I first met Diane after finding out our daughter B no longer had a heartbeat at 24 weeks gestation. B was diagnosed with Down Syndrome shortly after our 12-week ultrasound and so we spent the next four months preparing to bring home a child with extraordinary needs.

Stillbirth was never something we even thought could happen to us, and it is something you certainly cannot plan for. The earth-shattering words hit us at 3:30 in the afternoon and by 5:30 I was up in L&D trying to prepare for the hardest day of any parent's life. Diane met us at the desk of L&D and helped us get settled in the Parent Overnight Room. Nothing can ever fully prepare you to labor and deliver a baby that is no longer living, but Diane compassionately led us through the darkest time of our lives. She knew the answers to questions we didn’t know to ask- how B would look, how long the induction process could take, and how to make the most of the short time we had together.

I am forever thankful for the time Diane took to really explain every step of the process to us and because of her we have tangible memories with B we will cherish forever. Diane continued to provide support pre-COVID with the loss parent support group, and through COVID with regular check ins via text message. Diane has a way of knowing just when you need a text and is always there to be a listening ear. It takes an extraordinary nurse to lead someone through the birth and loss of a child and Diane does it effortlessly.

I was fortunate enough to have Diane present in the operating room as the circulator for the birth of our last baby this September. Diane went above and beyond to ensure our comfort before, during, and after my C-section. The “golden hour” bonding with our newest baby, B, in recovery under the watchful eye of Diane was the most peaceful experience I've had yet. Through all of this Diane has become a lifelong friend. We are so thankful we had her as our nurse on the hardest day of our life and look forward to sharing many more memories with her. The work Diane does to help other families who've experienced similar losses is invaluable to the Grand View Community. She is a true DAISY Nurse. 


I joined Grand View for labor induction followed by delivery. She helped me and made me feel positive. It took me over 5 hours of pushing, and even then she stayed late and made sure I delivered. She always made me feel positive, and encouraged me while being patient the entire time.