August 2022
High Risk Pregnancy Unit
Northside Hospital Gwinnett
United States
She was cheerful and caring as if I was not a patient but her family member. She did all the little things that transformed that hospital room into my bedroom.
I entered the High Risk Perinatal Unit at Northside Gwinnett after my water broke at 30 weeks. When I found out what this meant, I was scared, confused, overwhelmed, and completely unprepared. This wasn't part of the plan, and the risk and dangers involved were really just too much for me to process. My nurse was incredibly knowledgeable and beyond competent, knowing exactly how to care for me. But what really set her apart was that she went above and beyond to make me comfortable and to give me the sense of confidence I needed to persist during my extended 4-week stay in the hospital. She was cheerful and caring as if I was not a patient but her family member. She did all the little things that transformed that hospital room into my bedroom. As I write this I am finally at home with my tiny little bundle of joy. But this nurse’s role in making it happen and getting me through this tough time in my life will never be forgotten. It is so important to me that knows she will always be part of my son's origin story.