Juan Diaz
August 2022
Pediatric Emergency Department
Morristown Medical Center, Atlantic Health System
United States




Juan advocated for our son, speaking to the doctors about our concerns as well as his concerns because he also knew something was wrong.
After a visit to the pediatrician, my 15-month-old son was sent to the emergency department late Thursday afternoon. Not knowing exactly what was wrong with him and already nervous about my little son's first visit to the emergency department, we were quickly set at ease with our nurse, Juan. He had a calming nature, gentle touch with my son, and possessed a wealth of knowledge that made us feel confident that we were in good hands.

After finding out he was positive for COVID, some blood work, and a few treatments later we figured we were on our way to recovery. I was still on edge, call it mom's intuition, that something was wrong and instead of being brushed aside, Juan patiently listened and voiced my concerns to the doctor. Juan, using his nursing intuition, also knew something was wrong, as my son was still breathing heavily and using his accessory muscle. They were preparing the discharge paperwork and yet Juan insisted before he let us go that he wanted to talk to a few more doctors. He kept the line of communication open and allowed us to feel extremely comfortable in his care. Juan advocated for our son, speaking to the doctors about our concerns as well as his concerns because he also knew something was wrong.

The care, compassion and most importantly advocating for our son, Juan went above and beyond the call of duty, and because of him our son received the medical treatment he clearly needed. Call it nurses intuition but without Juan insisting he speak to everyone about our son's care and insisting we stay we would have never found out our son was in DKA. Juan is truly an exemplary example of what a phenomenal nurse should strive to be.

From his kind nature, advocating constantly for our son, treating him like he was his own child, and consistently keeping an open line of communication, our son would not be on the road to recovery without him. Without Juan, we would not have figured out what was wrong with him and potentially be sent home. So, thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we will never forget him, and we are forever grateful that we had him as our nurse.